(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟏) the first task

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THE DAY OF THE TASK CAME AROUND a lot faster than Athena would have liked. She spent her week in constant contemplation, watching Harry's every move for a hint of preparation. She'd simply assumed that Hagrid had followed through with their plan but she hadn't actually had any evidence of this.

Harry walked around the castle looking sick and scared. This didn't pose well in Athena's mind. She'd dreamt up some terrible images, the boy on fire being the main one that circled her mind.

Dominique had arrived the following day after Athena had found out about the trial. She seemed a lot more calm than Athena felt. To be fair, she spent her life around dragons and therefore wasn't as scared of them. She tried to tell Athena that they wouldn't let anything bad happen to Harry but she just couldn't listen.

There was a multitude of things that could go wrong. They were building up in Athena's mind with every day that led them closer to the trial. When the day arrived, Athena wondered whether it would be better for her to just stay away. She couldn't picture this going any way except for her to end up lying on the floor of a heart attack or some other generally terrible fate.

However, by the later morning she found herself sat in the stands surrounded by those who actually seemed excited for the event. She didn't understand the overjoyed atmosphere, the banners waved above people's heads and the face paint on the cheeks. They were supporting their school in seas of red, blue and yellow.

The Hufflepuff's seemed more enthusiastic than anyone else. The colour yellow burned Athena's eyes as she settled herself down into her seat next to her sister. Aurora's eyes were fixated on Dominique who was standing with Charlie Weasley, discussing how they were going to keep the dragons as calm as possible.

Charlie looked the same as ever, his hair now long enough to be tied back behind his head. He and Dominique could be related. Not only did they have the same fiery hair but they stood in the same stance as they looked out over the dragons.

There were four of them, this is what Athena had been told. The only name that has stuck in her mind was the horntail because it was the only one that Dominique hadn't managed to give her reassurance about. Apparently it was fierce at the best of times, always looking for a fight. This paired with the large horn on its tail only gave Athena a bad feeling.

One dragon for each champion. That's how it was going to go. Each of the dragons were mothers and the purpose of the trial was to collect the golden egg from amongst the actual dragon eggs.

Cedric was first. He emerged from the tent in a cry of excitement from those supporting Hogwarts.

"Swedish short-snout" Aurora muttered to her sister as her eyes landed on the dragon. She'd obviously been learning information of these creatures from Dominique. The dragon was large but didn't seem too threatening. It was a blueish grey in colour with yellow eyes.

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