(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟏𝟖) flight of the phoenix

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ATHENA'S JOY ABOUT TRELAWNY'S REPLACEMENT didn't last long. First of all, Aurora was furious about the way she reacted to Umbridge. Of course she agreed with everything that Athena had said but she believed this was going to get her fired. Athena couldn't exactly disagree. She was walking on eggshells and at the moment Dumbledore was the only thing standing in between her and getting kicked out of this castle.

Sybil was still distraught over what had happened. Not only was she locked in her tower (by choice) without being able to teach but she felt completely humiliated over how Umbridge had tried to fire her. She was also furious about her replacement. Firenze had completely different teaching methods which (according to Sybil) weren't as good. However it seemed all the students loved him which made Sybil even more frustrated.

Aurora had taken over Athena's lessons for the day telling her she had to get her anger in order. Truthfully, Aurora just had to keep busy otherwise she'd spend her minutes stressing about what Umbridge was going to do and no one appreciated that.

Towards the end of the day, Athena was so bored with her empty schedule that she decided to go see Dumbledore. She wanted to explain why she had acted the way she did, not that she owed Dumbledore anything. She also wanted to make sure that her job was safe because she was getting the growing impression that it wasn't.

Athena was surprised to see that the staircase to the office was already revealed and she hurried onto the stone steps before they disappeared behind the large statue. She got the sinking feeling that whoever was here, wasn't here for good reason. Athena couldn't explain where this feeling came from however she knew it meant something.

Pushing through the double doors, she was greeted by an abundance of people. She faltered for a moment trying to take everything in. Everyone seemed surprised to see her there, so surprised that they stopped talking.

"What's going on?" Athena asked.

She spotted Harry first, looking at her hopefully through sinking eyes. He was stood next to Eleanor Lupin who looked out of breath as though she had been running and Patrick Larson who was staring at none other than Percy Weasley as though he wanted to hit him.

Athena looked to Percy in his ministry suit, clipboard in hand where he was aggressively scribbling notes as though the world depended on it. He was either unaware of the death glare he was receiving or he had decided to ignore it.

Beside Percy stood Kingsley Shacklebolt, a ministry member she believed to be named Dawlish, Professor Umbridge, Professor McGonagall and none other than the minister of magic. This couldn't be good. Umbridge was clutching the arm of some poor Ravenclaw student who had her head hid in her hands, tears pouring from her eyes. She was sobbing uncontrollably and Athena recognised from her long red curls that this was Marietta Edgecomb.

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