(𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝟓) letters worth answering

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RON'S WAND WAS BROKEN. He must have snapped it against the whomping willow upon arriving to the school. His work in wand lessons was now pitiful and a lot of his spells were simply backfiring. Athena wished she could help him out however wands could be dearly expensive and there weren't many nearby places where she could get one.

However the break in his wand had resulted badly in a standoff against the Slytherins. Athena had heard every detail of what had happened from Harry who had visited her office the next day. He'd talked about how he'd gone down for quidditch practice when the Slytherins turned up.

Unfortunately, Draco Malfoy had been made the new Slytherin seeker. It seemed that he had bought his way in rather than possessing any actual talent. The entire time had new Nimbus 2001 brooms. The newest models of a sleek black design.

Snape had given them permission to train on the pitch so that Draco could get used to being on the team. Of course none of the Gryffindor team were very happy about this development considering that they'd booked the pitch. Oliver Wood was particularly disgruntled about it due to his rivalry against the Slytherin captain Flint.

In all the commotion and anger in the situation, Draco Malfoy had called Hermione a mudblood. Upon hearing this, Athena was tempted to storm down to the dungeons and drag the platinum blonde prick out by his ear however she thought it best not. That word had a disgusting smeared history and never meant anything good when spoken.

Athena remembered back in her fifth year an argument had broken out between James and Snape which had resulted in Snape calling Lily a mudblood. Athena had never been more angered towards him. The word was a phrase of blood superiority and Athena imagined that Draco had no other intentions other than to insult Hermione.

However it seemed that Ron had the same angered reaction as Athena. He'd tried to curse Draco using the 'eat slugs' jinx (which was a very disgusting and unnecessary jinx in Athena's opinion). Due to Ron's breaking wand, the curse had backfired and hit himself. Ron had been throwing up slugs for the next hour with no cure.

Athena could imagine that the Slytherins got a laugh out of this. She considered going to Snape to complain about his students actions however she knew nothing would come of it. Nothing seemed to get through to Snape. He wrote off bad behaviour as kids messing around and didn't seem to care when his own students were evidently bullying others.

She often got the impression that Snape still held his blood purity beliefs. It had been one of the main reasons for him joining Voldemort in the first place. Of course he was only halfblooded however this still made him superior to muggle borns, at least in some peoples eyes.

They never spoke of this. Athena didn't respect Snape she simply tolerated him and despite her annoyance over the actions and behaviours of the Slytherins, she decided that it wasn't the best idea to go to Snape. He wouldn't do anything, however she encouraged Harry to go to McGonagall about Draco's actions. If anyone could sort it out, she suspected that it would be the transfigurations Professor.

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