Sebastian Vettel (1)

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happening by chance, unintentionally, or unexpectedly.

Y/N - your name

"Please get an autograph for me sweetheart?" My dad begs me over the phone as I chuckle. "Dad, I'm going to write this mans autobiography." I say as I smooth out my high waisted skirt and tuck in my formal white shirt in the skirt. "Isn't an autobiography self written?" My dad questions as I sigh, "He is still writing it technically. He is saying everything whilst I just write it down." "Oh... okay. At least you're getting paid." My dad says as I chuckle and grab my car keys.

"I'll call you later dad. Love you." "Love you too sweetie. Remember the autograph!" He shouts at the end of the phone call as I roll my eyes. I get in the car and make my way to Sebastian house in the U.K.  Imagine being rich enough to own more than one house. The drive is short as I park outside a beautiful cottage in the middle of nowhere.

I hop out the car and take out my laptop. I take in a deep breath as I walk to his front door. I knock on the door three times and hear a faint "Coming". I smooth out my shirt as I hear the door unlock. The door swings open to a smiling Sebastian. "You must be Y/N. How are you darling?" He asks as he wraps me in a tight hug. His cologne is strong and almost knocks my breath away.

"I'm alright and yourself Mr Vettel?" "I'm good. Call me Sebastian. Mr Vettel makes me feel old." He says as I smile and follow him inside. The first thing you see is a giant living room with a cream couch in the middle of the room, matching the colour of the walls. "Your house is beautiful sir." I say as he gives me a smile. "Thank you dear. I loved the open floor plan." He says as he points to his kitchen that has merged into the living room.

"I love it. I've always wanted an open floor plan." I say as he leads me to the kitchen island. "Alright, so Sebastian, what do you want to talk about in your autobiography?" I ask as I place my PC on the table and take it out of its bag. I switch on the computer as he continues talking. "I want to talk about my whole life story." "From beginning to your last title win?" I ask as he nods. "Okay perfect!" I say as I get everything set on my computer.

"Would you like something to drink?" He asks as I nod. "Coffee would be lovely." I says as he nods and walks to the kettle. I write 3 different titles for the book, giving him options to chose. I look up from the laptop to see Sebastian staring at me. I smile at him as I feel my cheeks heat up.

"You have a daughter correct?" I ask as I see him nod from the corner of my eye. "Yes I do. Two actually." "What's their names?" "Emilie and Matilda." He says as I stare at him. His smile is wide as he talks about his two daughters. "Where are they?" "They with their mother. It's her weekend with the kids." He says as he looks down. "Oh alright." I say, not wanting to speak about their divorce, knowing it was non of my business.

"You do know about the divorce?" He questions as I nod. He had to bring it up, "Yeah. I think most people know. I'm sorry about that." I say but he shakes his head. "We weren't good. Struggling with the distance. We ended on good term tho." "I'm glad. It's terrible when you end on bad terms with someone you loved." I say as he nods. He walks towards me and places a hot cup of coffee besides me. "Thank you Sebastian." "Pleasure beautiful."

I couldn't help but blush at his comment. I sit back and point at my computer, hoping he looks at the computer and not my red and glowing cheeks. "I wrote three different titles. Which do you like best?" I ask as he examines the titles I've written. Whilst he is examining the titles, I take this opportunity to admire his looks. Sebastian is 6 years older than me but you'd never say so as he has aged really well.

"I really like this one." He points at the title that says "My life, my story and my victories". "Great choice. It's interesting and captivating." I say as he nods. "Now let's get started on your first chapter. This chapter, do you want to dedicate it to your childhood from when you were born to about 10 years old?" I ask as he nods. "Let's get this show on the road." He says as he sits next to me as I type the first sentence.


"And that's chapter 2 done!" I say excitedly as he smiles at me. "My word! It's already 6pm." He says as I check the time on my phone. "Damn. I better get going." I say as I stand up. "Wait, would you like to stay for dinner?" He asks as I stare at him, a smile forming on my face. "Sure. Only if it's not an issue." "Of course not. Besides, I need to thank you for this." He says she motions to the laptop.

I scoff with a smile on my face, "It's my job. I signed up for it technically."'I say as he laughs at my comment. "I'm gonna order something, what would you like?" He asks as I stare at him. "I'll have a salad from anywhere. I'm on a diet." I say as he shakes his head, "You're stunning already. There's no need for a diet." "Wow! Someone knows how to flirt." I say as he chuckles, his cheeks turning a Ferrari red.

"Just a classic salad?" He asks, changing the subject. I nod my head as he quickly calls a random restaurant. Once he has finished the call, he motions to the couch. "Let's go sit someone comfortable at least." He says as I nod, "My ass is sore from these chairs." I say as he laughs and sits down on the couch. I sit next to him as he grabs the remote.

"What would you like to watch?" He asks as we turns the TV on. "There's football on, could we watch that?" I ask in response he nods. He changes the channel as I watch the game that's on. From the corner of my eye, I can see Sebastian staring at me. "Am I more interesting than the football match?" I question with a smirk on my face as I face him. His cheeks go red once again as I smile at him. "Actually, yes." He says, now causing me to blush.

"You're very beautiful Y/N. I know this is meant to be professional and all but I can't help but admire how stunning you are." He says causing me to blush an even deeper red. "Thank you Sebastian. You're quite handsome yourself." I say as I smile at him and then look back at the TV.

"Would you like to maybe go out tomorrow night once we are done with chapter 3 and 4?" Sebastian asks as I nod. "I'd love that." I say as I smile at the German. The doorbell interrupts us as he stands up, "Finally, dinner." He says as he rubs his stomach, clearly hungry.


Should I make a prompt list? Like dead ass I have been struggling with ideas so if you think I should, let me know please! Love you all and thank you for all the support!

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