Carlos Sainz (6)

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any of various forms of team game involving kicking (and in some cases also handling) a ball, in particular (in the UK) soccer or (in the US) American football.

Y/N - your name

I put on my Liverpool shirt with Virgil Van Dijk's name and number 4 on the back. I sigh with nerves filling my body as this was the first Champions League final Liverpool have been in for quite awhile. I am mainly nervous as Real Madrid has had quite a run, winning it 12 times before today. I straighten my shirt with a smile on a face and head out the door with my back pack.

It's a short walk to the stadium from my hotel room as I purposely chose a close hotel otherwise trying to get here with all this traffic is like pulling teeth. I walk to my gate and hand my ticket to the security guard who scans it and then hands it back with a smile on my face, "Have a nice time ma'am. Hope your team wins." He says sending me a wink. "Liverpool fan too?" I question but he shake his head. He pulls up his sleeve showing a Barcelona tattoo on his arm. "Ahhh, got you." I say pointing at him making both of us laugh.

I walk to my seat, which was on the side of the pitch since it was way too expensive to afford one by the ends where the goal posts were. Plus, I'm sure they were sold out in the first hour. I take my seat, noticing a mixture of Real Madrid supporters and Liverpool supporters in the crowd, since it was always like that when it came to Champions league games. It wasn't like how it normally is when you're playing at the clubs actual stadium.

I sit next to the aisle and notice the seat to me is still empty. The person sitting there was most likely just late or stuck in traffic. I play on my phone and chat to a few of the Liverpool fans surrounding me who where just as excited yet as nervous as me. As Dua Lipa is singing her sing, I notice a man cross my path and sit next to me. I look over to him to see the most attractive person I've ever seen.

He looks at me and smiles, "Carlos." He sticks out his hand. "Y/N." I say shaking his hand. "Inglesa?" He questions making me chuckle softly. "I speak English, sorry." I say making him chuckle. "No problem. Thought so since you're supporting an English side." He says pointing at my shirt. "Bad choice tho to be honest." He says making me scoff, "Don't hate. Who knows what will happen in this match." I say making him roll his eyes.

"But like think about it logically, will you guys really win against the likes of Ramos and Ronaldo?" He questions making me sigh, "They good but like look at Mo and Sadio, they great too." I say making him chuckle. "Let's make a bet, if Real Madrid win, you have to buy us drinks. If Liverpool win, I'll buy drinks after the game." He says and sticks out his hand, "You've got yourself a deal." I say, shaking his hand.


"That's such bullshit." I say whilst throwing my hands. "We are the champions!" Carlos shouts whilst the rest of the Real Madrid fans around us join him in singing Queen's song. "Yeah, yeah, but your favorite player broke my boy Mo." I say making him scoff. "It wasn't even that bad." He says. I roll my eyes, "Come, let me do it to you. Since it's not that bad." I say making him laugh. "You're cute when you're feisty." He says making my cheeks burn.

I go to stand up, wanting to leave but his hand stops me, "You still owe me drinks, hermosa." He says making me sigh, "I don't wanna watch them lift the trophy." I say whilst sitting back down. "Shame, your fault for making a bet with the devil." He says whilst sending me a wink. "Sure." I say softly chuckling at the young man next to me.

We watch the ceremony, me on the verge of tears but that's not the point. As soon as they were done lifting the trophy, I grabbed Carlos' hand and pulled him with me out the stadium. "Sorry, couldn't watch that any longer. Didn't feel like bursting into tears in front of you." I say making him chuckle. "That big of a fan?" He asks me as I nod, "Have been since I was a little girl. My dad would always take me to watch their games at Anfield. I mean, I even watched on the telly when they lifted the champions league trophy in 2005." I say remembering how simple life was back then, especially with my dad around.

"I'm sorry, hermosa. Hopefully paying for some drinks will make you feel better." He says, sending me a playful wink. "You're heartless, you know that." I say making him laugh. We walk to the bar across the road and start the night off with drinks by me. As the night continued, the more drinks we both paid for, as Carlos felt bad after making me pay, and the more flirty we become.

"You look so beautiful, princesa." He whispers in my ear making goosebumps appear on my skin. "Thank you. I would call you handsome back in Spanish but I don't know what it is." I say making him chuckle. "Hermoso." He says with a smile. "Well, Carlos, you're quite hermoso yourself." I say, asking him burst out laughing. "That was priceless!" He exclaims making me laugh with him at my stupidity and not being able to speak any other language besides English.

"I'm glad we met tonight, despite you supporting the shitter team." He says making me scoff, "Stole the words right out of my mouth, Carlos." I say making him laugh, his laugh ultimately made me laugh. "Your laugh is so contagious." I say, "Blame my friend, Lando. It's really his fault." He says as I nod. "I'll thank him cause wow, I really love your laugh." I say making him blush.

He looks at me with lust filled eyes, "Would you mind if I kissed you, hermosa?" He questions making me shiver at his Spanish accent. "Not at all." I say, barely above a whisper. He leans forward, placing his lips on mine for a lust filled kiss. He bites my lip making me moan as he pulls away. "Could we maybe take this to my hotel room?" He asks with his cheeks turning pink. "Sounds great, hermoso." I say making him chuckle. "I could definitely get used to this." He says pulling me close to his body once standing up. He places his lips on mine once again for a short kiss before we left for his hotel room.


Okay, here me out, a smut part 2???? Wow, I hope Google translate was correct here, smh. I can speak a little Afrikaans (therefore a little bit of Dutch) but not a fucking word of Spanish. I wish I could tho, it's such a hot language like French. Anyway, hope y'all enjoyed! I didn't proof read it so sorry if there are any spelling errors or anything. I'm just lazy today. I was playing Spyro the whole day (losing my shit may I add at this one level) so I is tired. Stay safe lovies xx

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