12 | Dress Fitting

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After the concert was over, Rona and Seokhoon spent the next two days resting and gained back their strength. Now with the concert over, the countdown to their wedding had begun. In about 5 weeks, their wedding would take place Today Rona and her bridesmaids were going down to the bridal studio to get their final fitting to their dress and outfits. In particular Rona needed all her dresses fitted in time for their engagement/wedding photoshoot next week.

Oftentimes wedding photoshoots typically only featured the wedding couple, but Rona wanted to include their wedding party as well as their families in the photoshoot. The photoshoot would take place over two days, with the first day mainly being about the couple, while the second day with their family and friends. Now that Seokhoon and Rona had become public figures known in society, some of the photoshoots needed to be used for eventual press release, when they announced their wedding.

Seokhoon wanted to accompany Rona along but Rona wanted to not let Seokhoon see all her dresses. She had planned that the gown she would be wearing for the ceremony would only reveal it to him, on the day itself. So Seokhoon sadly was turned away. Rona kissed him when she saw his pout. Seokhoon felt better when Rona kissed him, in the end, they compromised and Seokhoon fetched Rona to the bridal studio. She kissed him hard before she left the car. She headed into the studio and her wedding team was present along with her bridesmaids, Suryeon and Yoonhee.

Their mothers were also going to find several dresses for the wedding day

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Their mothers were also going to find several dresses for the wedding day. The studio had prepared several dresses that may suit Yoonhee and Suryeon. At the same time, keeping with the theme colour of champagne, the staff laid out various designs and colours for the bridesmaids to choose from. They had already taken measurements of all the bridesmaids so the dresses were grouped based on the rough measurements of the party.

The girls looked around while Rona was ushered to get all her dresses fitted. Rona spent the next 2 hours, making sure every single one of her dresses fitted her perfectly. The dress not only needed to look amazing on her, but Rona's comfort was definitely important as well. Rona gave feedback to the tailors regarding certain materials or tightness of the arms or waist. All the dresses needed to be ready by next week for their wedding photoshoot.

 All the dresses needed to be ready by next week for their wedding photoshoot

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The bridesmaids had selected the style of dress they would like to wear. The bridesmaids would only need to wear this dress during the ceremony. For the evening dinner, it was up to their personal preference what kind of dress they would like to wear. Yoonhee and Suryeon accompanied Rona throughout her dress fitting first. As Yoonhee looked at Rona dressed in the various wedding gowns selected, her heart swelled. It dawned upon her that her daughter was really going to get married in about a month.

 It dawned upon her that her daughter was really going to get married in about a month

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*Yoonhee and Suryeon's outfits

She was both really happy but also she did feel a bit of sadness. For so long, Rona and Yoonhee only really had each other for company. It was only after moving into Hera Place, that their circle of friendships expanded. Yoonhee said a silent prayer, thanking that the war of Hera Place was over. The past mistakes, sins and hurt could now be put behind them truly. The children were doing well, the parents' careers were taking off, everything was pointing in the right direction. It was because of that, that Yoonhee worried too, she was fearful that something bad would ruin this moment.

Suryeon placed her hand on Yoonhee's shoulder, snapping her out of her daze. Yoonhee-ah, don't worry about anything. Those who want to hurt us are gone and locked away. Yoonhee was shocked at Suryeon could read her thoughts, but before she could ask the question. Suryeon answered. You have a deep frown all over your face, I figured you were worried, because I have those moments too. But even if something may happen, we are now all in a much better position to react. We are no longer fighting alone. With that Yoonhee instantly felt better, Suryeon was right. It was not just her and Rona against the world, they had a whole group of friends surrounding them.

After about 4 hours, everything was finalised for the dresses. Seokhoon too at another studio had finished his suit fitting, same goes for his groomsmen. Dongpil and Yoonchul were also present at the fitting, since Logan and Seokhoon's father were dead and he did not have another father figure. So he asked Yoonchul and Dongpil to be part of the day. Even though he was not close to either one of them. Yoonchul in particular was Rona's birth father. It was important that he still cultivated a good relationship with him.

The groomsmen suits were all finished, to match the champagne colour of the bridesmaids, Seokhoon opted for a grey-ish tone for the suits. The style of the suits varies from person to person. As for the actual dinner, Seokhoon gave free range to the groomsmen how they wanted to dress. They need not be in full suits, but a casual style with a jacket would be sufficient.

 They need not be in full suits, but a casual style with a jacket would be sufficient

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I am honoured that you are asking both Yoonchul and I to be a part of your wedding.

Of course Dongpil ahjussi, you two were one of the reasons why we can have such peace now in our lives. It is only right that Rona and I honour you in this way. Dongpil was really moved, he was already grateful to be invited to the wedding, but being part of the wedding party and involved in the wedding was something he never expected. Even though he was not close to Rona and Seokhoon, he saw all the Hera children as his own. So watching them going to get married, definitely moved his heart in a way he had never expressed before.

The suits and dresses were done, next off the list was the wedding photoshoot. Seokhoon and Rona were both really excited about it, it was just another step closer to finally getting married. Seokhoon and Rona had been discussing what to do after their marriage, they couldn't stay on with their mothers. But right when they were starting to look for houses, their mothers said to leave these tiny details to them. So with that, Seokhoon and Rona were going to be pleasantly surprised at what their family had in store for them.

Note: Did I say I would update only on Friday? Surprise, I felt like updating now so I went with my feelings hehe (: Hope you enjoy this chapter! We are getting close to the wedding!

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