28 | Decisions

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432 Park Avenue, New York

Upon entering their condo, there was a loud 'pop' sound that went off

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Upon entering their condo, there was a loud 'pop' sound that went off. Seokhoon and Rona jumped slightly in fright. Several party crackers were released, and a loud "Congratulations" was heard. The lights came on and there stood in front of them the staff members who worked in Seokhoon and Rona's condo (the helpers, Peter, Marcus and others) Seokhoon and Rona were surprised by this sudden celebration. They had invited Peter and Marcus especially to their wedding but neither of them could make it, instead Alex brought their well-wishes when he attended their wedding.

Marcus, Peter, what's all this?

This is our celebration for you!

We felt really bad that we couldn't attend your wedding, so we all wanted to do something on your behalf so we threw you a surprise party! I hope you like it.

The night ended on a really happy and fun note, the staff members all let their hair down and spent time drinking, eating and just sharing about their lives. Seokhoon and Rona really loved that they felt comfortable with them enough to be frank and raw. At around 9pm, Peter began to chase all of the staff members back home, he knew that Seokhoon and Rona would be jetlagged and were tired from the long flight. He shoo-ed everyone away and soon he and Marcus were bidding Seokhoon and Rona farewell.

Have a good rest tonight. We will see you tomorrow.

Thank you for the lovely surprise, we really enjoyed it.

Soon the condo was completely quiet, Seokhoon and Rona then started to feel exhausted, they went to take a bath and soon headed to bed early. There were still a couple of days left before semester two started so Seokhoon and Rona could relax in the meantime till then.

Over the next couple of days, Seokhoon and Rona spent most of their time either practising or finalising their honeymoon plans. They thought about different locations and finally decided to go to Greece for their Honeymoon. As part of the wedding package that they had purchased, their wedding team offered the service of helping the couple plan and book their honeymoon. Suryeon and Yoonhee also wanted to assist in the process.

The two of you are busy with school and now with your careers. Let us coordinate with the wedding agency and you will receive a rough sketch of the honeymoon itinerary. All you need to do is just inform us of the dates when you would like to go and perhaps where in Greece you would like to visit. Have you two decided how long you want to spend on your honeymoon?

Rona and I discussed it and we decided that about one week and a half to two weeks would be ideal for us. We want to be able to take our time to explore the country and the various sights. Greece is huge and with much to see so we don't want to be rushing from sight to sight.

That sounds perfect, you and Rona should research a bit more on specific locations like Athens and where else in Greece. Leave the smaller details to us, okay?

Sure Omma, it would greatly help us if you could work out all the details for us.

Of course, Seokhoon-ah. We know you two are busy and we can easily coordinate with the wedding agency since they are based in Seoul. Trusting their mothers, Seokhoon and Rona left the detailed planning on their honeymoon to their mothers. They have decided to block out at least 11 days of their schedule for the honeymoon. With their decision finalised, semester was about to begin.

Note: Please take note that there is only so much that one can write about like every single semester of university. So please note that will be some huge time jumps IF i don't do this, i can tell you for sure that the chapters will be really mundane. But don't worry I plan to write more about Seokhoon and Rona's professional career and their marriage and eventual family so soo stay tune!

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