52 | We need to talk

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Milan, Italy

Rona arrived in Milan in the afternoon, on the 19th of July would be her 2nd concert of the month. Afterwards, she would be flying back to New York where she would finally be reunited with her husband. She really had missed Seokhoon, even though the two spoke on the phone every day. It was different not having his presence around her. Rona realised just how much she had come to rely on Seokhoon since they came to New York. Like a constant shadow, Seokhoon always looked out for her first and foremost.

Rona was staying at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Seokhoon had booked for Rona and Jae Hwan the Prestige Suite - Two-Bedroom. The suite came with 2 separate bedrooms with their own individual bathrooms. This gave privacy for Rona but also at the same time, Jae Hwan would be readily available in case Rona needs any urgent help. After Rona had arrived and settled in, she informed Seokhoon that she was at the hotel. Not soon after, Seokhoon called Rona.


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Hey baby. Is everything good?

Yeah the suite you booked is incredibly spacious and I really love it.

I am glad you like it, spacious is good that way you can be comfortable in the week you are there. Rona-ah, we need to talk.

Rona tensed a little, Seokhoon's voice was serious, she knew something was wrong. What is it, yeobo? Is everything okay?

Seokhoon took a deep breath, calming his heart before he told Rona all about the party last week. When he mentioned Grace, Seokhoon didn't leave anything out, letting Rona know that he had a very bad feeling about Grace. She can see my wedding band clear as day, and it seems she does know who I am which means she should know I am married but she kept coming on and I didn't know if I should have blown her off right there and then.

Why would she do such a thing?

I don't know Rona, but Jae Rim hyung said he has informed Alex Hyung.

Why Alex Oppa?

I am not too sure but Jae Rim hyung seems to know something about Grace that he is not telling me, I guess he doesn't want me to be distracted right now.

Well regardless of what is thrown our way I will always believe you Seokhoon. I know you.

I know Rona. It is just I just don't want you to get dragged into anything.

No Seokhoon-ah, don't think that way. I am your wife, if you get dragged I will go down with you period. Seokhoon's heart swelled and he smiled. He knew Rona loved him, he never questioned it but to hear such a declaration would make anyone melt - all the more him. The thing is Rona, I will be seeing her again this week, she is performing at the next concert as well. I really don't want to deal with her.

I think you have to make sure you are never left alone with her, make sure Jae Rim oppa or someone else sticks close to you.

Yeah I will make sure that is done. This is a nightmare.

Seokhoon-ah, I have an idea that I have been thinking about for awhile.

What is it, Rona?

How do you feel about performing more as a duo as opposed to solo? I was thinking the other day, I miss you much and I don't like the idea of being apart from you for too long. I want you to watch my performances, I want you right there with me. Do I sound selfish?

Haha, no baby not at all because I want that too. I am already going crazy not seeing you for a week, I don't know how I am going to last for another week.

Then let's ask Jae Rim and Jae Hwan oppa to promote us more as a duo. I am not saying we can't take solo jobs but you know, we can also promote us as a duo equally as well.

I like that idea, let's talk to Jae Rim and Jae Hwan hyung after this is all over. They are coming back with us to New York anyways, we can discuss our future plans then.

Don't worry too much Seokhoon. Even if somehow there is a possible picture or rumour about you and Grace, you know I will never believe it. I trust you, my husband, Shim Seokhoon. Seokhoon was actually tearring as he heard these words, it meant so much to him that Rona had such unconditional love and trust for him.

I love you too Rona, and will always trust you. I really can't wait to have you in my arms.

Me too Seokhoon-ah.

Seokhoon and Rona continued to talk for another hour before they had to hang up. They had rehearsals tomorrow and they needed to rest up. Seokhoon went to bed with a much lighter heart, now that Rona and him were on the same page, Seokhoon didn't fear anything.

The other side

Jae Hwan's phone rang.

Jae Rim-ah, why are you calling?

I need to talk to you about something, listen carefully. Alex Hyung has found out something about this Grace person.

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