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432 Park Avenue, New York

What was in the envelope was a catalogue and on the front page was an image of a house

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What was in the envelope was a catalogue and on the front page was an image of a house. When Seokhoon opened the catalogue he realised that it was written in both English and in German. As Seokhoon read the description, the catalogue was actually about a house in Vienna. My gift to you comes in two parts. First, this house.

Seokhoon and Rona looked at Alex in surprise. Wait, you are giving us a house? But you already gave us this condo? We can't possibly take this house as well. At the beginning of last year, Alex had actually transfer the ownership of the condo to Seokhoon and Rona's name, legally they owned the house but Alex still continued to pay for the yearly maintenance fees and cover the expense, Seokhoon and Rona always felt bad about this because of Logan's wish, Alex had been taking care of them when he had no reason too.

Just take it. If Logan were alive, I can assure you he would do the same thing. In fact, knowing my brother, he would have given you two a lot more than just a house. Don't worry about the renovation, I have spoken to your mothers and your managers about what your needs would be when you go over to Vienna. When you two land, the house would be 100% ready for you two to move in.

Seokhoon and Rona couldn't refuse the gift, Alex had already paid and begun renovations on the house. There is another present I am going to be giving to you. Seokhoon and Rona were frightened, if the gift was even more expensive than the house, the two would really be super embarrassed and grateful at the same time. Peter and Marcus will continue to work for you even when you leave for Vienna. Seokhoon and Rona were absolutely shocked, they had really gotten close to both of them, especially since Peter was really their guardian during their entire three years of Juilliard and even beyond.

But they work for you?

True but as of next month, they will officially be employed by Shimwoo & Co. I have manage the necessary arrangement with Suryeon. They will be working for Shimwoo & Co and their main assignment is to look after you two.

Rona was really happy about this, even though she felt bad that Marcus and Peter had to leave the service of Alex but Rona over the 3 years had grown close, she was actually rather sad that she would no longer be seeing them. But now with Peter and Marcus working for Shimwoo & Co, it meant that Peter and Marcus would go with them to Vienna. This would definitely make the moving period easy for the couple, having not just their managers but Marcus and Peter with them.

Rona hugged Alex in thanks and went over to Marcus and Peter and hugged them as well. Seokhoon shook their hands. Thank you Alex Samcheon, you really shouldn't have.

Haha, it was not really me actually. Marcus and Peter were the ones that requested this, I only just gave them my approval. That is all.

With their new place finalised, and their offers all settled. Rona and Seokhoon were ready to move to Vienna soon to begin their new chapter. But for now, they focused on finishing their semester well. The last 2 weeks, they were busy focusing on finishing their exams and soon time flew by and they were officially leaving New York. Although they would be back in New York in another 2 months for their graduation, they were more or less leaving New York for good. They had a nice farewell dinner with their friends, before flying back to Seoul the next day. They knew their friends were going to be in New York for another year, so it was not really a forever goodbye. They spend two days just exploring and going back to familiar places around New York. Within the three years, Rona and Seokhoon had learned to call this place home.

Rona felt rather bittersweet about saying somewhat goodbye to New York as their home. She had many good memories, some difficult ones but mostly good. Alex allowed Seokhoon and Rona to continue to keep their condo, after all there is a high chance that they would come back to New York during their line of work. They had packed all their necessary belongings - their important documents and more to take back to Seoul. Seokhoon, Rona, So Hyun and Yoo Jung all flew back together to Seoul.

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