128 | Backstage

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Shimwoo Art Centre, Seoul

Agreed, but I do miss the stage

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Agreed, but I do miss the stage... don't you?

Singing is definitely our first love. The girls smiled and they shared a silent thought, before they were brought back to reality with the stylists getting them ready. On the other side, So Hyun, Yoo Jung and Stephanie would share another dressing room. You look so gorgeous. Yoo Jung squealed as she saw So Hyun come out wearing her ballet outfit. Thanks Yoo Jung, you look pretty as well.

I am going to miss dressing up like this.

Don't worry Yoo Jung, wait till I become famous and successful. I will invite you to all those fashion runway shows, you can dress up all you want!

OH! I can't wait.

Yoo Jung have you decided what you are going to be doing in the future?

Not exactly, but my mom has a charity organisation for those who are less fortunate. I am thinking of volunteer there for a while, maybe teach some music to the children or even adults

That sounds like a lovely idea. You know Yoo Jung if you want to join me, I would be more than happy to give you a place in Paris?

Oh? I will think about it, for now I want to spend time with my family while I evaluate what I want to do. I feel that my journey in Juilliard has been so transforming that I want to use this new found confidence in the next chapter of my journey. The girls smiled and hugged Yoo Jung in support. I am looking forward to seeing what you will achieve!  A knock came on the door, and a concert staff member entered.

We will begin final dress rehearsals.

After the dress rehearsal, Yoonhee walked back to her dressing room. She sat down on the sofa and breathed out a sigh of relief. The last time she was on stage was technically when she was Cheo Seo Jin's ghost singer. Now she was actually taking the stage as Oh Yoonhee, this was a lost dream that had been taken away from her. She was worried whether or not she would be able to do it well. Now she was leaning on Rona's support and advice, unbeknownst to her, Rona had grown up to be a fine singer, and now she was about to become a mom. It was at that moment that Yoonhee realised how much time had passed.

7PM, Shimwoo Art Centre, Seoul

The audience were all seated, up in the VIP box was Seokhoon and Rona's family, friends and their friends' parents as well. Yoonchul-shi, are you nervous?

I am and I am not the one performing.

I can't wait to see my son on stage. It has been so long since I last saw Minhyeok performing.

Don't worry Yoonchul-shi, I am sure Yoonhee would be fantastic! After all, Rona got her talent from her.

Haha, indeed. Both my wife and daughters are so talented!

The lights dimmed. The finale was here.

Note: Sorry about this, I meant to update yesterday but I was out most of the day, so it slipped my mind. Here is two chapters to make up for yesterday and today!

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