16 | You are Mine

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The Chapel, The Raum

*Visual Image of how the flowers look like

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*Visual Image of how the flowers look like

Minhyeok and Jenny began to talk, but Seokhoon was completely zoned out and was just staring at the door, waiting for them to announce the entrance of Rona. Now, let us all stand and welcome the bride. With that, everyone stood up and the doors opened, the first walking through the door were two young children - the flower girl and boy. These children were from the orphanage that Shimwoo Art Centre regularly reached out to.

The children walked down the aisle, carrying wicker baskets and spreading white rose petals all along down the aisle. The first of the wedding party entered, Yoo Jung and Jong Hyeop walked in first, followed by Ryo and Stephanie and Seokkyung and George. Lastly, So Hyun and Seungho.

 Lastly, So Hyun and Seungho

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Once Seungho and So Hyun had finished walking down the aisle, Jenny and Minhyeok announced the entrance of the bride; Bae Rona

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Once Seungho and So Hyun had finished walking down the aisle, Jenny and Minhyeok announced the entrance of the bride; Bae Rona. With that the music changed, and the doors opened. Rona was wearing a beautiful laced veil and she walked in, slowly. As Rona slowly walked towards him, Seokhoon felt as though his breath had been taken away. Rona was absolutely stunning. She had chosen an off shoulder lace wedding gown, the gown had a slight train. Despite the veil, Seokhoon could see Rona's eyes fixed onto him as she walked down. She let out a soft smile as her eyes made contact with his. Right there, Seokhooon broke out into a big smile as Rona was near him.

*Wedding March Song

So Hyun came over to help Rona with her train, adjusting it for her as she walked up the steps with her arm hooked with Seokhoon's. They were now standing in front of the officiant's podium. Seokhoon squeezed Rona's hand in encouragement and she squeezed back in silent conversation. The guests were asked to sit and the officiant began the ceremony.

After the officiant said a few words, it was time to exchange vows

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After the officiant said a few words, it was time to exchange vows. Seokhoon and Rona turned to face each other, holding their hands. Seokhoon went first.

Rona, how long I have waited for this day. Rona I wouldn't be here, if it were not for you. You are my guiding star, the constant that I want forever in my life. Thank you, Rona for giving the greatest gift which is you. I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together, to be happy, to grow our family and most importantly to always love you. I promise to love and respect you and to put energy into keeping our love alive. I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will be there for you in good times and bad. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. But most of all, I promise to always be your greatest supporter in our lives. I love you.

Rona tried her best to hold back her tears as she heard Seokhoon's vows. Next was Rona's turn. She steady her voice as she began.

Seokhoon-ah, there are seriously not enough words or time to describe just how much you mean to me. You have always been my protector, my constant strength. You have been there with me during my lows and my highs. I cannot explain how much I love you. I thank you for everything and more of what you have done for me. I am looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you. I promise to love you without reservation, comfort you in times of distress, encourage you to achieve all of your goals.I promise to not only listen but to hear. Not only to be honest but to trust and not only to love but to be loved. Laugh with you and cry with you, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you. I love you very much my dear husband and I look forward to so much more.

Seokhoon squeezed Rona's hands as he heard those words, his heart swelled with love and he mouthed a quick thank you as Rona finished her vows. Next came the exchange of the rings. Seungho came over and presented the rings to Seokhoon. Seokhoon held Rona's finger and slipped the wedding band onto her left ring finger. Finally seeing the wedding band rest on her finger, Seokhoon realised she was finally his. Next was Rona's, she held Seokhoon's hand. His fingers were long and strong, Rona slipped the wedding band onto his finger. Seokhoon now belongs to her, and only her now.

With that, I now pronounce you husband and wife

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With that, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.

Seokhoon slowly lifted Rona's veil, to reveal his beautiful now wife. He smiled at her, and with a slightly twinkle in her eyes, he bent down and placed a soft kiss on her. He felt Rona pull his suit jacket and Seokhoon changed his kiss to a hard one. Rona opened her mouth slightly and they kissed for a couple more seconds. The guests cheered as the couple kissed. They separated and shared a quick smile before turning to face the guests, they bowed slightly in thanks.

Jenny and Minhyuk next instructed the newlywed couple to bow in thanks to their parents. Seokhoon and Rona walked up to Suryeon and bowed in thanks to her. Suryeon had tears in her eyes. She walked up to the couple and gave each of them a big hug. The couple moved next to Yoonhee who was already crying, she hugged Seokhoon and Rona, whispering congratulations. With that, the couple exited the chapel. The guests were ushered to leave and Seokhoon and Rona were waiting at the door to shake hands and thanked the guests for coming. The next part of the day would be the dinner at Shimwoo hotel.

Note: I hope I did the wedding justice...

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