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Rehearsal Room, Shimwoo Art Centre

Rona was in the middle of rehearsals with Seokhoon when the door to the rehearsal room opened slightly. The people slowly tried to make their way into the room as quietly as they could. Today was the final day of Seokhoon and Rona's rehearsals before the concert tomorrow. The panel of concert staff members were sitting in a row, watching and taking notes as Seokhoon and Rona rehearsed like it was the real thing.

Jenny and the rest had come to visit Seokhoon and Rona. The couple had offered their friends to visit their rehearsal just to get a feel of the concert so they could better prepare themselves. When they sat down at one corner of the room, they saw directly opposite them Seokhoon and Rona's friends from New York. Eunbyeol recognised them immediately and made a small gesture. They didn't want to disturb the session so they just made a small wave before concentrating back on the rehearsal.

After an hour passed, the session was over. Jenny and the rest walked up to Seokhoon and Rona. That was amazing you two.

Awww, thanks! I am glad you guys made it.

Yeah we were surprised to see some familiar faces. Eunbyeol gestured over to the other group of friends that were making their way over.

Oh right. I forgot to tell you, you all won't be the only ones performing. We have also asked our friends to take part.

Yeah this stage would be special to everyone. For Jenny and the rest, this would be your first time performing after a long time. While for some of our Juilliard friends, it would be their last time performing on the stage.


Stephanie injected, telling them that her, Yoo Jung and Seungho were not planning on pursuing to be professional musicians. Rona wanted all of us to have the chance to sing on a grand stage for the last time.

We understand. We four also walked away from the stage, not that we regret it but yes having one last chance to stand on a grand stage is the ultimate dream.

Exactly. So I hope you don't mind that it is not just you all that would be performing. We want to give our friends from Juilliard the same chance as well.

No no, of course please. We fully understand the reason and are honoured to be performing beside graduates of Juilliard.

The final concert of Seokhoon and Rona's was really about not only the celebration of their life together and the future but it was a time to honour those who mean so much to them. Everyone was going to have their moment to be in the spotlight. So Hyun was going to be collaborating with Seungho in a ballet-piano duet, this would be Seungho's last performance before he started working at a London firm.

So Hyun had accepted the offer from the London Royal Ballet Company, so Seungho and her were going to live together while living in London. George was going to remain in the States at least a year, he had chosen to take an additional year in Juilliard - specialising in jazz piano. Stephanie was flying to Paris to work at a fashion label while Yoo Jung would be remaining in Seoul. She had missed her parents and wanted to spend some time with family before deciding what she was going to do with her future. Ryo received a music residency offer from Germany. Ryo was fluent in German, so he had taken this offer and would be moving to Germany. Seokhoon and Rona were really happy that the majority of their friends were moving towards the Europe side, this meant that there would be more occasions for them to meet up.

They spent the next one hour discussing what each person wished or hoped to perform. Jenny, Eunbyeol and Minhyeok were really excited. Even though right now what they are currently doing is their passion, they were graduates from Chung Ah High. They had been singing for the first half of their lives. Now not only are they going to perform with Rona and Seokhoon, they are in the midst of graduates of Juilliard. All of these people surrounding them, were and are considered one of the best of the best from the classical world. All three of them definitely felt bittersweet, after all, had they continued their initial passion - perhaps this could have been their future.

But now that Rona and Seokhoon were giving them a chance to stand again on the stage. They definitely wanted to make use of this opportunity and go all out. As the discussion got deeper and deeper, there was a buzzing of excitement from all of them. This was going to be the best concert ever.

Note: Thanks everyone for your endless support. Three chapters for this update, I will come back on Monday! Stay tune for more!

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