145 | Comfortable

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Seoul, Korea

Seokhoon and Rona had returned back to Seoul after a good month of holidaying in Jeju

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Seokhoon and Rona had returned back to Seoul after a good month of holidaying in Jeju. It was really just the break they needed away from people and the business of the city. Life in Jeju was really perfect, there was no schedule, no appointments nor obligations, they could really take it easy. Hyun Jae during this one month really grew up so quickly. He was now entering his 6 months, he was now beginning to take some solid food in his diet and was able to sit up straight without any support. Rona was just amazed how within such a short period of time, he had grown so much.

Apart from watching Hyun Jae growing up, the couple spend a lot of time together. When Peter and Marcus could look after Hyun Jae they would go on mini dates, exploring parts of Jeju. It really felt like a honeymoon all over again. Rona not only felt well rested but she also was so happy that Seokhoon and Rona finally had moments to just be in each other's presence. Even though sex was not the centre of their relationship, it was definitely an important part of it. Seokhoon used every opportunity they could get to have her. Not that Rona was complaining, they had a lot of time to make up for it. Seokhoon was an insatiable and passionate lover, he was not only attentive to her needs but made sure that she was comfortable with everything they did as lovers.

Rona had lost track just how many different positions they had experimented during this time and the different ways Seokhoon and Rona explored their sex life. She felt that now only was their sex life renewed but now it was heighten even more than before. One of the most intense moments was when Rona was determined to tease her husband till he begged her. The two of them were playing a game and Seokhoon wanted to make it slightly naughty.* By the end of the game, Rona was so turned on that she almost caved and lost, but she held out. Eventually Seokhoon begged and pounced on her, taking her animalistically on the floor. Rona never felt so sore before after that night, but it was definitely fun and something she was more than willing to try all over again.

*Similar to the concept of love jenga

They would tease each other sometimes throughout the day, Rona would purposely wear a sexy outfit and tease her husband. When Seokhoon tried to grab her she ran away from him until he finally caught up to her. He would trapped her with the wall behind her and roughly take up hard against the wall. Rona had so many hickeys and red marks that she was at times embarrassed to leave the house. She also loved that she was really coming into her own skin whenever the had sex. There were moments prior to their marriage where she would still feel shy and ashamed of the desires she had towards her husband or the needs she had as a woman. But with Seokhoon undivided love and attention, she had learned to let loose and be more upfront and honest with her emotions. She loved her husband, she loved having sex with him and this was something that no longer ashamed her.

She knew that marriage was hard and hard work. The fact that they both were always communicating and thinking about each other, just shows the dedication they had towards each other. Rona soon felt really empowered because she realised the power she had over her husband and vice versa. One day, Seokhoon and Rona decided to play a game where Rona was Queen for the day, anything she said goes. When Rona ordered her husband to kiss every inch of her body, Seokhoon was more than happy to listen to those orders. Little did she realise that just 10 seconds into that, she was begging him to take her. Seokhoon was more than happy to oblige this order, he took her not once but 5-6 times late into the night, until Rona had to beg him to stop. Never stop sharing your desires with me baby. Seokhoon whispered against her lips as they were about to drift to sleep. I won't. I love you.

Rona never felt more in love than ever with Seokhoon as she did now. Not only was he an amazing lover and wonderful husband. But what moved her heart even more was his relationship with Hyun Jae. He was not only a knowledgeable father but an active one. He never complained when Hyun Jae at times would frustrated the couple with his crying or when he had difficulty sleeping. He embraced those challenges and with patience and kindness he would be with Rona right till the end.

Now finally they were back not only from vacation but from the break they had taken from work. They were ready to begin working again. Seokhoon and Rona were both going to have their comeback stage in a month's time. Despite the hiatus, Seokhoon and Rona were diligent in their practice. They made sure that they spent at least 8-9 hours in a week practising. But still, there was definitely a nervousness about returning back to the stage. It is time for Seokhoon and Rona to return back to the stage that they so long for and belong on.

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