162 | A Surprise

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Vienna, Austria

Over the next couple of weeks, whenever Seokhoon and Rona had the time, they would be making love

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Over the next couple of weeks, whenever Seokhoon and Rona had the time, they would be making love. Rona knew that she was pregnant about 3 weeks after their anniversary trip. Since she had gone through it once, she started to feel her body change. When she told Seokhoon the news, he jumped for joy. Now that Hyun Jae was a year and a half, by the time the new baby was born. He would be close to 2 years and 6 months. The gap was perfect for them.

They decided to keep the news to themselves first, they wanted to be sure and in the safe zone before they even announced it. Rona and Seokhoon continued their activities and soon Rona had entered the safe zone. They were heading down to the hospital for their check up.

Hospital, Vienna

Hello Mr Seokhoon and Mrs Rona. You both are looking well I hope?

Yes thank you, we are doing alright, but Rona seems to be more tired compared to the first pregnancy.

Well all pregnancies are different, so there is of course a possibility that Rona's experience this time round would be more tiring. How is your morning sickness?

It is bearable, but I have developed quite a few aversion to certain smells of food. I can't smell any seafood and lamb.

Are you able to eat and keep it down?

Yes but I don't seem to want to eat too much.

Ok. Let's do the scan and we will do a couple of tests to make sure that both mother and baby are doing okay. Even if you are not eating a lot, the point is to not go without food.

She turned on the ultrasound machine and spread the cool gel across Rona's stomach. She moved the probe around and didn't say anything for a couple of minutes. She went closer to the monitor and looked again. Rona and Seokhoon begin to worry that maybe there is something wrong with the baby.

Is something wrong?

Hmmm. Let me look once more first. After a couple of minutes, she smiled.

Well, I think this is something I best show you instead. She turned on the machine and soon a heartbeat came on.

You hear that?

Rona and Seokhoon both nodded. But after a while, Seokhoon noticed something wrong. Wait, there are two?!

Good ear Seokhoon. You are correct, there are two heartbeats.

Wait, does this mean?

Yes, Mrs Rona. Congratulations, you are pregnant with twins. This could be the reason why your symptoms are worse compared to the first round. Seokhoon and Rona were so shocked, the doctor directed their attention to the screen and pointed out the two heads that now appeared on the monitor. This was something that neither of them had expected. It is true that Seokhoon and Seokkyung were twins but even then, twins did not run in either of their families. Do you know the genders?

Not yet, it is still too early to tell. We will only be sure next month. We should take some tests first. Now that you are pregnant with twins, you have things that you need to take note of. As much as pregnancy is more or less the same, carrying twins is more burdensome on the mother, so Mrs Rona you need to be more aware.

They spent the next 30 minutes doing several tests and going through certain important things to note about carrying twins. By the time Seokhoon and Rona finally reached home, they were still reeling from the news that they were having twins. Having one child was already a joy but now they were going to be expecting two. The doctor did warn that it is highly likely that Rona would be experiencing more fatigue compared to her first and she may be required more bed rest just because of the size the pregnant belly will get eventually.

Two babies...

I know I am shocked...

But.. I am beyond happy. I was hoping that we would get more than 2 children that look like we have killed two birds with one stone.


Rona, you need to be more careful. You don't have to work okay? I can take care of you.

I know, but I would like to work as much as I can but once I start to feel tired or that I can't handle things I will take a break. Don't worry.

Looks like we have to tell our parents soon.

Yeah, we have to tell them soon. But for now, we should tell Jae Rim hyung about this. I think it is important that your team take on a bit more so that you aren't overworked or stressed.

Hmm. Well recently with my team I don't handle much of the logistics, I leave most of it to the team already.

Good, good. Make sure it is that way.

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