130 | The Finale (2)

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Shimwoo Art Centre, Seoul

The concert was moving towards the 2nd half

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The concert was moving towards the 2nd half. Seokhoon came out on stage, bowing to the audience once again before taking his place. Seokhoon began a medley of solos. He started from classical pieces and moved towards musical/jazz before finishing off with several of his own original pieces. Over the years since Seokhoon first started to write his own pieces, he had slowly grown confident of his songwriting abilities. He still saw himself as a complete novice in this field but it was a field that he was excited to continue to develop and grow. Oftentimes, Seokhoon will get a hit of inspiration and he would be in his music room for several hours just writing piece after piece. When he was in the zone, it was almost as if nothing could take his attention away from the task.

When Seokhoon had finished, Suryeon stood up with joy and clapped for her son. Suryeon was just amazed how much Seokhoon had grown not just as a pianist but also as a person. Over the month, she observed her son and his relationship not only with Rona but those around him. Seokhoon was always a gentle soul, respectful and kind. Unfortunately, because of Joo Dante, that soul was corrupted for a while. She was so happy that Seokhoon had reverted back to his real self once Rona came into the picture. Oftentimes, people say they changed because of one person. In the case of Seokhoon, that was not completely true. He didn't change because of Rona, he went back to who he originally was because of her.

Suryeon started to feel herself beginning to tear up. She was so proud of him, Rona and just what they have accomplished in their lives. Even though Seokhoon grew up with every privilege in the world available to him. At the end of the day, he worked hard to get to where he was. He took advantage of every chance that was given to him and used it well. That is why he is as successful as he is today. You okay?

Suryeon looked up and In Sung had put his arm around her shoulder in comfort. She smiled. I am good. Just very proud of my son.

Yes, you should be.

When Seokhoon finally finished his segment, the silent crowd erupted in applause. Everyone was completely hooked onto Seokhoon's performance that they didn't realise how long he was actually playing. Seokhoon stood up and bowed to the audience. I like to introduce someone special to come up on stage. These are my friends from Juilliard and tonight they will be bringing you a special performance. It is not often where you see dance and classical music collaborate together on one stage. But tonight is a special night, so may I introduce my friends Yoo Seungho and Kim So Hyun.

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