175 | Good Night

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Prague, Czech Republic

The next morning, Seokhoon and Rona manage to get up early despite the late night lovemaking

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The next morning, Seokhoon and Rona manage to get up early despite the late night lovemaking. Rona's body was slightly sore but it was a soreness that she could live with.

Good morning baby.

Morning. Rona moved over to cuddle with Seokhoon some more. Right at that moment, she felt a kick, Seokhoon felt it as well. He placed his hands on her belly and felt several kicks. Looks like their twins were active this morning. They seem to be awake.

Haha, yeah. These days they are moving around a bit more there.

Are you uncomfortable?

No. Those kicks remind me that those two are still alive and well. I love it. Seokhoon laid his land on her pregnant belly for a while more, just listening and feeling those lively kicks. They still had about 4 months plus till the twins came out but Seokhoon and Rona were looking forward to the day where they could meet their children face to face. Seokhoon kissed Rona in love and the kiss soon turned in another direction. Rona could feel the heat radiating from her husband and they had their way with each other one more time early in the morning.

Once they had finished, they headed downstairs for breakfast. Rona was a bit worried that their friends would tease them about what happened last night. Even though their room was on the top floor, still Rona and Seokhoon were not quiet about their activities. Thankfully, no one said anything, however Seokhoon could see the teasing expressions in Minhyeok's eyes. He probably held back for the sake of Rona.

The gang spent the rest of the day exploring other sections of Prague and really enjoying the summer sun. But time really was quick, and soon afternoon arrived. It was now time for both of them to head back down to Vienna. It was only a 3-4 hour drive back to Vienna. Rona had bought enough gifts and mementos for everyone back home.

They said their goodbyes to their friends and headed off. Rona couldn't wait to get back home, despite the holiday, she was constantly thinking about Hyun Jae. But nevertheless, she was grateful for the time they could spend with their friends as well as alone time with Seokhoon. They couldn't really be this passionate when they were back home unless Hyun Jae was being looked after by someone. Still Rona and Seokhoon wanted to spend as much time with Hyun Jae before the twins arrived, they knew that it would be a transition period for all three of them. So they needed to prepare for it.

Vienna, Austria

When Seokhoon and Rona arrived back home, it was about 8pm. When they walked into the house, they were greeted with Hyun Jae running up to both of them. Seokhoon scooped Hyun Jae up into his arms and they shared a family hug. Hyun Jae laughed and exclaimed. He was already 2 and started to speak in almost full sentences.

Appa... miss you.. Omma misses you too!

We miss you as well Hyun Jae. Were you a good boy?

Yes yes! Very! Seokhoon was relieved. He carried them into his bedroom and started to show him all the different gifts and items they had bought for him. Hyun Jae was beyond excited. Seokhoon-ah, can Hyun Jae sleep with us tonight?

Seokhoon nodded in agreement. After Hyun Jae turned 2, they decided that he needed to learn how to sleep in his own room. Once the twins came around, it was going to be difficult to share a room with three children. It took a while and a lot of practice before Hyun Jae was finally comfortable with sleeping not only in his own room but completely alone. Of course some nights, Seokhoon had to sleep beside Hyun Jae till he fell asleep before he could leave the room. Hyun Jae was getting big so quickly, but they were looking forward to Hyun Jae being an amazing brother to the twins when they arrived.

After washing up, Rona carried Hyun Jae over to their bedroom.


Yes Hyun Jae. It is time for your bedtime.


I will sleep with you. Appa also..

Yeah!! Hyun Jae crawled up to Rona on the bed and laid down right beside her. Right then a kick was felt, Hyun Jae turned towards the round belly and placed his hands on it. Dongseng??

Haha, yes looks like dongsengs are saying hi to Hyun Jae.

Annyeong! I am your Oppa!

Haha, well it could be Oppa or Hyung. We will be finding out soon.

Hyun Jae yawned loudly and rested his hand on Rona's shoulders. It didn't take long for him to be completely asleep. Rona smiled and patted him, singing a soft lullaby. Seokhoon stood by the door, just watching the sight. It filled his heart with so much joy just watching his wife and son. He walked over and kissed Rona on her forehead and kissed Hyun Jae's as well. He walked over to the other side of the bed and got in. Switching off the lights, he cuddled Hyun Jae and his wife. They wrapped Hyun Jae in a protective cocoon.

I love you.

I love you too. Goodnight Hyun Jae. Seokhoon leaned over and whispered words of love to Hyun Jae before closing his eyes and joining him in sleep.

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