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Once Seokhoon and Rona got over their first initial fear and worries of their concert, the subsequent sessions went by smoothly and quickly. Next the couple were ready to move onto their 2nd leg of the concert series. They were going to be touring several Asian countries, performing at most of these countries for the first time. Apart from performing the concert, Rona wanted to create some opportunities for them to be able to meet their fans.

So two days prior to each concert, Seokhoon and Rona were going to hold a small and intimate fan meeting. This would give an opportunity for fans to get to know the couple better. Apart from the fan meeting, the couple wanted to do something meaningful in each country. They wished to donate materials or money to various charities that help children in need or teach them about the arts and music.

The couple began their Asia tour from the early month of August. They started from China and made their way down to Southeast Asia over the next 4 weeks. Taking into consideration Rona's condition, they only travel once every week to a new country. This gave both of them enough time to rest, meet the fans and also do some charity work before the actual concert itself. This Asia tour created much buzz among fans and classical music lovers alike. This was the couple's first time where they intentionally made contact with fans and the public. Oftentimes, the couple were incredibly private with their lives and restricted publicity and media appearance, as such this change in strategy was really a breath of fresh air for a lot of fans as well as the media.

Rona personally enjoyed being on tour, the part that she didn't enjoy initially was that by going on tour, Seokhoon and her often would be away from each other for long periods of time. But this time round Seokhoon was right there with her, they were touring together. She enjoyed seeing the new sights, sound and taste of each country they travelled to. The fan-meeting session was also an experience, apart from questions asked about their marriage and private lives. A lot of the questions asked were from inspiring musicians and fellow students. The couple really enjoyed the moments where they could inspire others but also feel energised about their work and get feedback.

Time flew and the couple had finished their 2nd leg of their concert series. Now they were approaching their final leg. Seokhoon and Rona would be flying back to Seoul, performing for 3 weeks before taking a well deserved break as well as getting ready for the baby.

Seoul, Korea

Seokhoon, Rona, their managers and Peter exited the airport with a car ready and waiting for them

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Seokhoon, Rona, their managers and Peter exited the airport with a car ready and waiting for them. Marcus had flown out from Vienna to be with the couple as they rested in Seoul for the next 6 months. The couple first headed back to their house, they had told their family and friends there was no need for them to come to the airport to pick them up, they would see them the next day. When the couple exited the airport, they were shocked to be surrounded by a group of fans screaming and calling out their name. The two had not expected such a reception, they knew as time went on, they had gained a following worldwide but to be welcomed so passionately in their own country was something they were humbled by.

Wow, those are a lot of fans.

We certainly didn't expect so many people to show up.

I think Seokhoon, we have to talk about getting you security, at least when you travel to and fro from countries. Seeing the increase of fans, it is wise to take measures so the two of you are safe.

I guess that is a good idea, Rona is pregnant and the fans may cause an accident. Maybe we can hire 1-2 and use them as and when.

The car made its way through the city and eventually arrived at Seokhoon and Rona's place. The white house stood surrounded by greenery. Even though the two had not lived in Seoul for more than a year, their parents had made sure to keep the house up to date and upgrade the interior whenever possible. 3 months ago when Seokhoon and Rona were pregnant, their parents decided to upgrade the interior, getting the house ready for the new baby.

 3 months ago when Seokhoon and Rona were pregnant, their parents decided to upgrade the interior, getting the house ready for the new baby

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Rona entered the made up nursery. Since Seokhoon and Rona had been keeping the gender a secret from the family, their parents decided to go with neutral tones across the room. Rona saw the beautiful bassinet at the corner of the room. She looked at it and imagined her baby lying on the bed. It filled her with much joy and excitement. Seokhoon came up from behind Rona, hugging her tight. Are you excited for the baby to come?

Yeah I am. I feel like we have been waiting for the baby for a long time.

Seokhoon kissed her on her head, nodding. Come let's rest up for today. Peter told me that he would take care of our dinner tonight, so we should take a quick nap or maybe a nice long warm shower first.

Sounds like a good idea. Tomorrow, we are having dinner with our family and friends?

Yeah Omma has invited us all over to her place at Shimwoo Tower. But before the dinner, we have to head down to Shimwoo Art Centre first to check out the stage and meet the concert staff first.

Right. I am ready for a nice warm shower.

Come, let's go.

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