127 | Everything is set

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Seokhoon & Rona's Place, Seoul

Everyone jumped and screamed after hearing Eunbyeol's announcement

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Everyone jumped and screamed after hearing Eunbyeol's announcement. Seokhoon went over and gave Rona a huge hug. She jumped for joy into her husband's arms. They were going to be having a boy! Everyone cheered and clapped for the happy couple, shouting congratulations all around. We are having a boy, baby. Rona looked up and with slight tears in her eyes she kissed Seokhoon lightly on the lips.

Okay! Now we can finally buy gifts! Mari shouted out loudly. Seokhoon and Rona laughed and shook their heads. Please, don't go overboard. We already have almost everything for the baby.

Of course we won't but that child will grow and you will have more children! There is nothing wrong with buying more for the future. Sangah added on. Before the couple could even respond, the group started to talk about what they wanted to buy and the conversation was over. Seokhoon sighed and shook his head.

Haha, let them indulge the baby. After all, you two are the first in this entire group to not only get married but now you are having a child. Everyone wants to spoil the child. Yoonhee walked over hand in hand with Yoonchul, Suryeon and In Sung were to the right of them as well. I guess we can understand that. I still hope they don't overspend, we do have almost everything since you and Omma bought for us almost all the items.

Well we are going to be grandparents for the first time, it is our duty to help you in this. Suryeon smiled. Have you two begun to think about names?

No, not yet Omma. Rona and I wanted to wait to know the gender before we did anything. Now that we know, well we are going to have to do our research and all that. We have time, still another 2 months before Rona is due.

Well if you two need any help, just let us know.

Of course Omma. Thank you.

With the gender finally revealed to the couple, they started to research names for their child. They wanted to give their child a name that not only showed what he means to the parents, but the name is also a blessing for the child. Alongside researching the names, Seokhoon and Rona started to attend prenatal classes. As they were first time parents, they needed all the information that they could get. On what to expect before, during and after pregnancy, how to care for the baby and so on.

Time had really flown by, Seokhoon and Rona were now in the final week of their concert. It was the long awaited family concert. Yoonhee and the rest had all been diligently rehearsing outside of official practice time. Rona and Seokhoon were excited for the family concert, it was really a dream that they had been working towards ever since the conceptualisation of the tour. Now with everything in place, it was time for the final concert!

Note: yes this is short because I want to cut it off for the family concert chapter ^^ Hope I do it justice. I am gonna need to research a bit :D

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