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Seokhoon & Rona's Place, Vienna

Seokhoon and Rona jumped up in excitement

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Seokhoon and Rona jumped up in excitement. He had looked very carefully at all three test kits and each of them showed the same result, Rona was pregnant. Rona had tears in her eyes as she hugged her husband in joy. This was a dream come true for both of them. Seokhoon released Rona and touched her stomach. The fact that she was pregnant was something still unreal for both of them.

We need to schedule to see a doctor. We need confirmation at least from one first. Rona nodded, even though the tests all seem to say the same thing, it was still wise for them to get checked out by a gynecologist. Seokhoon quickly called for Peter and told him the situation, Peter and Marcus were completely surprised and overjoyed.

Peter, I need you to schedule a doctor's appointment. Try to keep in quiet, I don't want the media to get a wind of this.

You got it Seokhoon. I will book the appointment and Marcus will get you two to the hospital undetected. Don't worry.

Peter was able to get a doctor's appointment for tomorrow. In the meantime, Seokhoon and Rona were celebrating on the sofa in their living room. Seokhoon didn't know much about pregnancy but he knew that Rona should ideally be avoiding alcohol. So they celebrated with tea. Are you happy? 

Rona nodded. I think I will be happier when we see the doctor tomorrow. I can only hope that everything is okay. Rona touched her stomach, she had long for this and now that it was a reality, she also feared that she would lose it. Seokhoon kissed her nose and hugged to calm her down. Rona met her husband's lips and soon the two were kissing each other with passion and need. Seokhoon, I need you. Rona desperately needed to feel her husband, but now that Seokhoon knew that Rona was pregnant he hesitated. He quickly fished out his phone and search if it was safe for them to have sex. 

Rona saw what Seokhoon was searching and started to smile and laugh. She could always trust her husband to put her needs first. Seokhoon continued to read various articles, when he was finally satisfied and knew how to go about making sure he didn't hurt Rona. He carried her to their bedroom and spent the next 2-3 hours reassuring Rona of his presence and their love. Rona laid in bed, exhausted but completely satisfied with their lovemaking. Seokhoon took her into his arms and kissed her forehead. Rona finally felt relax and completely forgot about her worries prior. 

The Next Day

Seokhoon and Rona headed to the hospital, Marcus drove them. He made sure to bring them to the basement carpark before the couple disembarked from the vehicle. The couple headed to their doctor's office, Seokhoon and Rona were now semi-famous in Vienna so they had to ask the clinic for some discretion. The clinic had to take some measurements of Rona first before they ushered her into the doctor.

Hello, Mr Seokhoon and Mrs Rona. Welcome. 

Hello Dr Sylvia. Seokhoon and Rona reached over to shake the hand of the doctor before they sat down. They told the doctor yesterday they had taken several test kits and they wanted to confirm if it was indeed true.

So from what you have been telling me, you two have been trying for over 6 months? 

Yes, though we have not been really strict in looking at the calendar and dates but whenever Rona was ovulating, we definitely tried for about 6 months. 

Well, not being too stressed out about it and having fun is always a good approach. How about Mrs Rona come and lie down let me take an ultrasound of your womb and we shall for ourselves. Rona walked up to the chair and laid down, the doctor pulled down her skirt and placed ultrasound gel over her pelvis area. Seokhoon was standing at the side of Rona near her head, making sure she was comfortable. Rona looked up and held her husband's hand.

Alright, let's see shall we. She placed the probe onto Rona and shivered at the coldness of the gel on her skin. The probe moved around a bit until she had found what she was looking for. Well, you can see it already. She pointed to a tiny dot on the screen. That's your baby. Rona and Seokhoon looked but couldn't quite see how that was a baby. The doctor saw their confused state and laughed.

Considering that Mrs Rona is only about 1 and a half months old, the baby is that small. She took some screenshots and went on with her examination. Looking at the state of your uterus, everything looks good so far. Based on the size of the foetus, I estimate that you would be about 5 weeks pregnant. You probably didn't realise you were because you are not experiencing any severe side effects yet. We will get you to do a blood test just to see whether you have any underlying problems but so far everything looks good.

The nurse went to help print the ultrasound out for the couple and placed it into a card for a memento. Rona went to do a blood test after which she returned back to the main office. Ok, we will wait for the blood test to tell us anything, but for now everything seems good. The two of you may want to start reading up on what to expect from pregnancy ,it would at least give you an idea of how each stage would feel like for you especially Mrs Rona. We will schedule another visit next week, by then the blood test results would be out and if you have any further questions you can ask them. 

Seokhoon cut in and started to ask a few questions that he needed to know right away. Dr Sylvia was very patient and answered each question carefully and thoroughly. Once Seokhoon was satisfied he got everything he needed, they made an appointment for next week and left the hospital. While heading home, Seokhoon and Rona stared at the ultrasound image. Seokhoon hugged Rona.

We are going to have a baby.

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