93 | Success

193 7 0

Musikverein, Vienna

As much as Seokhoon hoped that he and Rona could just be left alone for the rest of the day, they had a concert to perform. They quickly got up and went to change. Luckily their stylist had brought them multiple sets of clothes, so they quickly changed. Rona had already messaged their managers to not be disturbed for about an hour or so. Jae Rim and Im Hwan had made sure to keep people away from their dressing room, giving the couple the privacy they needed. Once Seokhoon opened the door to their dressing room, their managers were there to meet them.

Mr. Thomas was made aware of the intruders, it seems that Gabbie and Grace bribed the security guard to let them in. Mr Thomas has already taken the necessary steps to make sure this does not happen again. We have also taken the CCTV recording and the audio file that Rona recorded, do you want to do anything with it? Seokhoon turned to Rona, he wanted to leave the decision to Rona. Rona thought about it and decided to release both of the recordings. Rona truly believed that everyone deserves to be forgiven and given a 2nd chance but Gabbie and Grace had used every single kindness to their advantage. Rona was not going to let her soft heart give them a chance again, if anything they needed to finally be destroyed once and for all.

The decision was made to release the video after the concert, Rona didn't want this piece of news to overshadow the concert performance. So the decision was made to release it tomorrow afternoon instead. With that Seokhoon and Rona went to get ready for the concert. All together everyone was going to be going through two outfit changes during the concert. Rona decided to stick to classic and elegant dresses for the evening, while Seokhoon stuck to the more traditional tailcoat and bow-tie suits. Seokhoon and Rona carried on the final rehearsal without mentioning anything about Grace and Gabbie. Although Raph, Edwin and Hye Rim had heard the commotion and found out who had intruded in, they all decided to focus on the task in hand. Grace and Gabbie were irrelevant to the bigger picture, what mattered most was that they each performed to their best.

The concert began at 7:00PM sharp

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The concert began at 7:00PM sharp. In the audience there were many guests from all over the world. Some who were fans of classical music had come down to Vienna, while others were fans of the younger performers. It was a diverse range of people which Mr Thomas was really pleased with. He hoped that with the five performing with the Vienna Orchestra for at least another 1 to 2, that there will be more younger folk coming to appreciate classical music.

To kick start the concert was the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. The Orchestra opened with Prokofiev Symphony No. 1 "Classical" Followed by Copeland's Hoe-Down from the ballet Rodeo. After the infectious opening pieces from the orchestra, the concert moved to the main part of the night. With the five taking turns to perform on stage.

With their previous jam sessions the group actually felt confident to perform an original piece that all 4 of them had created. They let Mr Thomas and several members of the orchestra listen and were met with positive feedback. The first part of the night was giving the performers their respective solo times on the stage first. They started with the instruments - Raph kicking off the night and finally ending the solo section with Rona. Many audience members came to specifically see Rona and Seokhoon, their names had really permeated into the classical music world and to fans. With Seokhoon and Rona especially performing to one of their highest standards so far, the audience's excitement was buzzing throughout.

Now they were in their final section of the concert. Collaboration was not a common sight in the classical world, so to see young and bright musicians coming together to bring about their own creative spin on classic pieces was something eagerly anticipated for. The collaborative pieces didn't just consist of classical pieces but they wanted to make the night more modern so a few of the pairs chose to perform more modern pieces instead.

The highlight of the night was the final act, Seokhoon and Rona's duo. There was enough buzz about this performance and the couple didn't disappoint. It was obvious to even novice classical music fans that Seokhoon and Rona work incredibly well together. The non visual cues between the couple was perfect, Seokhoon could tell just by a look how Rona was going to proceed with the song and Rona could trust her husband to follow her emotions and support her. When the couple finally ended, there was the huge sound of applause and the crowd was cheering.

Mr Thomas and a few very important VIPs were watching from the VIP booth. Mr Thomas was not only relieved but incredibly impressed by the sheer talent that the five was able to bring to the table. This concert was just a very short preview showcase of what they each were capable of as a soloist but also as a group. Seokhoon and Rona got up and bowed to the audience, while the cheers were still growing the couple exited the stage. The concert was a huge success!

Note: I know I didn't give as much exmaples of music pieces that may have been played but that is because I am rather tired so I hope you will forgive the slightly lazy writing...

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