117 | Fears

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The concert went off without any glitches. Seokhoon and Rona were back at their dressing room resting for a bit before they headed off to do another round of interviews. When they entered their dressing room, they found the room filled with various flower bouquets. A lot of them had come from their loved ones overseas. Unfortunately, Yoonhee and the rest couldn't be here for the opening. But they were with them in spirit, the bouquets were all in various sizes and colours - it was almost like walking into a flower shop. There were messages of congratulations from Prof Clark and James, Alex and more. You could really feel the love from the people that surrounded the couple.

Although much of the couple's story is about them, you cannot deny that they only got this far because of the help of others. Alex was their guardian, Clark and James were their mentors and more. They hoped this concert series would show just how much they appreciated each and every single one of them. The managers gave Seokhoon and Rona about 15 minutes to wash up and rest. After which, they headed to the conference room where carefully selected reporters were waiting for their arrival.

Overall the reaction of the concert was a positive one, fans really felt connected to Seokhoon and Rona not only as a couple but as two individuals as well. A lot of the questions asked were about the process of their composing, the difficulties and challenges they faced challenging something they had never done before. After an hour of interviews, it was time to call it a night. Seokhoon and Rona headed back to their place and rested up for the evening. The schedule of the concerts was that they would be performing every Saturday and Sunday for the entire month in Vienna, before moving onto their Asia leg tour.


As time slowly passed, Rona was moving into her 4th month well, however there was one part that bothered Rona greatly. Her hormones have been crazy lately. She would find herself happy one more time and sad or angry the next. She really felt bad for Seokhoon who bore the brunt of her mood swings. The thing that she was worried about the most was the increases of her sexual desire. She would experience the need or want to have sex at random times of the day. She had already experienced a mild version of this during her first trimester and it was not something she couldn't deal with but now the increase was a lot more and took Rona by surprise. She had not confided in Seokhoon about her worry regarding both her sexual desires and her rapid mood swings.

She decided to schedule a quick visit to Dr Sylvia to consult her regarding her fears and what she recommended as the best course of action. She had been also experiencing low self esteem as her body began to change more and more. She no longer felt sexy even though she wanted sex. Rona spent almost an hour just talking with Dr Sylvia, finally after the long consultation, Rona left the clinic confident and determined. When she went home, she decided that she needed to tell Seokhoon her fears but also what they could do to elevate it.

Seokhoon & Rona's Place, Vienna

Once Seokhoon had reached home, Rona pulled him to the living room and the couple a while Seokhoon heard Rona's fears

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Once Seokhoon had reached home, Rona pulled him to the living room and the couple a while Seokhoon heard Rona's fears.

Baby, you should have told me.

I know but I was worried. I didn't want to burden you too much.

Nothing you do or say is ever a burden for me okay? Remember that. So did Dr Sylvia give you any solutions?

Well there are some quick fixes like medication, but she did recommend perhaps I go to something like prenatal yoga. She thinks the exercise will help with my hormones.

Ok we can do that, let's get Peter to help us look for studios that offer such a service.

Rona nodded. Baby, about you being ugly. You are never that way, never in my eyes. I love you regardless of what shape you look like now. If I am truthful, I find you still as sexy as before you were pregnant.


Do you want me to prove it?

Rona nodded. Seokhoon smirked. Alright, let's move this to the bedroom.

Note: Yes there is a time jump here and sorry for the lazy writing. I was trying to write a transition and I couldn't quite figure out how to do it.

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