104 | Meeting

238 10 2

Seokhoon & Rona's Place, Vienna

The next day, Seokhoon called their team over to discuss their subsequent schedules for the next 3 months. With Rona now pregnant, they needed to change a bit of the schedule and also inform their managers about the news. Seokhoon wanted to keep this news close to the vest for now. The managers filter into the study room, where Seokhoon and Rona were already waiting for them.

Hi Seokhoon, Rona. You called for a meeting. What's up?

Well Hyung, Rona and I have news.

What is it?

Seokhoon and Rona proceeded to tell their managers that Rona was pregnant. You are pregnant! Oh my goodness this is amazing news! Seokhoon and Rona were shocked to see their two older grown up managers jumping around like little girls. The couple laughed and their managers came over and hugged them in celebration.

This is wonderful news, you two! We should tell the media.

No, hyung. Not yet. Rona is barely 4 weeks into her pregnancy, it is safe that we wait until she is more stable. Jae Rim nodded. I agree with Seokhoon. Let's hold off the press conference for now, right now what is important is that Rona take good care of herself during this period.

That's why we called for this meeting. I think it is wise for us to just make sure that at least for the next 3 months - Rona's schedule isn't so intense and doesn't require her to move around too much.

Im Hwan thought about it. Ok, I believe it can be done. We can just accept offers that are within the Europe side, that way she doesn't need to travel a longer distance. We can also make sure we accept dates where there is some breathing room for Rona, unlike her tour where every week she had to travel. That shouldn't be an issue, perhaps you two should consider putting on more performances in Vienna as well during these three months, so you have an excuse not to travel.

Rona agreed. She had been thinking of actually having a concert where Seokhoon and her would perform. This would essentially be their 2nd concert together since their debut concert at the Shimwoo Centre. Rather than a one off concert, they plan to make the concert be for about 1 and a half months, sort of like a fixture, this would allow for more people to visit the Musikverein and establish a greater following for not just the couple but for the Vienna Orchestra. Jae Rim and Im Hwan thought it was a fantastic idea and they were sure that Mr Thomas would be really happy about this idea.

They decided to pitch this idea tomorrow after their weekly rehearsal. A couple more details were worked out regarding keeping Rona's pregnancy quiet. They told their managers they didn't have any intention to tell their family yet not until Rona was more stable. Since Hye Rim was the one that suggested to Rona to take the test, Hye Rim would be the only other person in the know. For now, they decided to keep this a secret from their friends in Vienna and abroad. Once all the tiny details were settled, their managers left the house and soon Seokhoon and Rona were alone in their house.

6 months since they arrived in Vienna had come and gone by so quickly. Winter came and spring had arrived in that time frame, now they were soon entering Summer. Initially Seokhoon and Rona thought they may make a trip back to Seoul but with the duo concert idea, they decided to push back that plan till a later date. Once Mr Thomas approved of the concert idea, Seokhoon and Rona's days would basically be busy planning these concerts.

Rona I was thinking, when we have finalised all the concert details, shall we do a small trip somewhere?


Yeah I think we deserve to relax a bit? Maybe head to a nice coastal town where we can enjoy the sun? By the time the concert is finalised, it would be around summer, perfect timing?

Rona nodded, she liked that idea of getting out of the city and just focusing on nothing else but leisure. Sounds great!

Note: I am experiencing writer's block... sigh... what to write, what do you all wish to see?

Sorry for the late update, work was just too tiring and I completely forgot.

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