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Today was the day that Seokhoon and Rona would finally find out the gender of their twins

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Today was the day that Seokhoon and Rona would finally find out the gender of their twins. They headed to the hospital and brought Hyun Jae along with them. They wanted Hyun Jae to see the ultrasound and really understand what it meant when they said Omma is going to have children.

They soon reached the hospital. The nurses took Rona's blood pressure and other basic tests. After a 10 minute wait, they were called into the doctor's office. Good Morning, Mr Seokhoon, Mrs Rona and oh why hello there Hyun Jae.

Hyun Jae gave a shy wave to the doctor before burying his face into his father's shoulder. The doctor smiled and laughed at the cute sight. She then proceeded to go through the basic test results. Rona was in really good shape, her vitals and levels were all within the healthy range. Shall we do the ultrasound? So today we will finally find out what gender those twins are?

Rona laid on the chair and the cool gel was spread across her abdomen. Seokhoon carried Hyun Jae in his arms, standing at the head of Rona. Hyun Jae was focused on the movement of the doctor, his eyes fixed onto her while his hands munching on the snack that was given to him by Seokhoon. The doctor moved the probe around for a bit before settling on a spot.

Well look at that, they are quite active. On screen, the visual of two babies could be seen clearly on the monitor. They were moving around a lot. Being active is a good thing. She pressed some keys and measured the babies. Looks like size and weight is within the healthy range. She continued to move the probe around more. Shall we hear their heartbeat first?

She turned on the audio, the sound of two strong heartbeats came on. Hyun Jae looked around, wondering where the source of the heartbeat was coming from. Look at that, Hyun Jae? Those are your dongseng. Hyun Jae looked at him in curiosity. He followed the direction in which Seokhoon was pointing to and he followed along pointing to the screen. Rona smiled. Dongseng, Hyun Jae. Can you say it? Dongseng?




Good job! Rona clapped and applauded her son. Hyun Jae probably didn't fully understand what those words meant but he clapped along, happy that he made Rona smile. You are going to be a good big brother right?

De! (Yes) Hyun Jae shouted loudly before putting his hand back inside his mouth.

Shall we see, if you are having a girl or a boy?

Mixed gender twins were the rarest, so Seokhoon and Rona figured they would be probably having the same gender, the question was were they going to have boys or girls. The doctor moved the probe around. Hmmm. Ok. Do you want me to keep a secret still or?

We won't be having a reveal party so you can just let us know.

Haha. Very well then. Congratulations to you both. You should prepare, you two would be having female twins!  Seokhoon and Rona rejoiced, having two boy twins was a blessing but three boys was going to be a challenge. Both had hoped that they would have girl twins and their wish came true. Hyun Jae was a bit confused about why his parents were so happy but he clapped along when he saw them cheering and rejoicing.

After the doctor's visit, they decided to inform their family and friends via their chat group. Their family and friends all rejoiced and congratulated them. In a month's time, Rona and Seokhoon would be returning back to Seoul for good. They have already begun their moving back process, despite their insistence, their parents refused to listen to them and decided to take on the project of renovation for their house. Their house was big but with the addition of a babysitter and twins on the way, they did need more room. Their mothers refused to listen to them after they announced the gender of their twins.

They didn't listen to us in the end...

Haha, it seems the moment we told them about the gender, they closed their ears and eyes to everything else.


Well, they want to help us. I see no harm in letting them handle the house.

I just hope they don't go too overboard with everything.

Oh, I almost forgot, it seems So Hyun and Seungho have set a date for their wedding.

Oh when will it be?

In two months time.

That is real fast.

So Hyun said they didn't want a big wedding, they wanted to invest more money into the house.

Have they decided where to live?

Yeah it seems they will be staying in a condo that is near her parent's place. She said they don't really need a big place for now.

I heard that So Hyun's youngest sibling is now attending elementary school.

I believe he just entered. So Hyun still wants to help provide for her family so she wants to save money wherever she can. The condo apartment is actually paid half by Seungho's parents, even though So Hyun initially refused but when Seungho's mom said it is a wedding present, she couldn't refuse anymore.

So Hyun needs to learn to accept help.

I guess she doesn't want to owe people.

Well I am happy to hear that they have set a date.

Yeah So Hyun did ask if we both can be their best man and maid of honour. I told her we would be honoured.

Of course, as long as you take it easy alright?

Don't worry So Hyun assured me there is not much to the wedding. Since they are going to be keeping it simple and small, there is not as much logistics that needs to be taken care of.

That in a way is good for you as well.

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