105 | Advances

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After their rehearsal today, Seokhoon and Rona pitched their idea of a duo concert that would last about 6 weeks to Mr Thomas. Mr Thomas completely loved the idea, he thought it was novel and something fresh. Rarely do classical musicals perform in combo or groups, so for there to be one, especially one that was getting more and more famous each day, was a fantastic idea to draw in the crowd. He happily approved of the idea. He was also really happy for the couple that they were expecting. The couple decided they needed to at least tell their boss of this news, and Mr Thomas agreed to keep it hush hush until Rona was more stable.

The concert was set to be performed from August to September. It was currently April so that gave Seokhoon and Rona about 3 months or so to really plan and practice for the concert. They decided to go for a quick trip around early June to chill out and spend some time before the concert began. When the concert arrived, Rona would already be in 4th month. With the consent for the concert, Seokhoon and Rona started to plan the concert.

The couple spent most of their days, brainstorming and planning for their concert. Seokhoon and Rona were ambitious, they wanted this concert to be their statement for who they are as musicians and artists. They were really ambitious and spent a lot of time in the music studio together, writing new pieces that they wished to perform at the concerts.

Rona truly loved the days as they passed. At work, Seokhoon and Rona were really pushing themselves as artists in challenging themselves to write new music pieces. They didn't want to restrict themselves in writing just classical genre pieces, they wanted to take inspiration from everywhere. Their past, their present and their future and hopes. When they were not at work, they would be spending time together as a couple. Even though Rona was pregnant, they wanted to spend as much time as newlyweds.

They made it a point to still go out on dates and spend quality time together. They regularly went to see the doctor and everything was looking really good as Rona progressed in her pregnancy. To Seokhoon's relief, Rona was not experiencing any severe morning sickness or body ache. But with the advice of the doctor, Rona's daily activities were closely monitored and she was not allowed to do anything too strenuous on the body.

The one big difference that changed of course was Rona's body. As she slowly grew in size, not only was Rona's body changing but her emotions as well. There were times where Rona's emotions went up and down. Seokhoon had a bit of difficulty at the beginning trying to read his wife and also how to react. Luckily Hye Rim was a good advisor to them during this period, teaching the couple how to communicate and also Rona on how to react and adapt to her pregnancy.

There was a side effect of pregnancy that Seokhoon found unexpected but he also inwardly loved it. Due to her pregnancy, Rona would occasionally experience hormone imbalance, on one end it caused her mood to swing from right to left within just a couple of seconds but the good thing about it was that it also meant that Rona's libido was off the charts. Just a single touch from Seokhoon was enough to set Rona's blood on fire and she wanted her husband all the time, every time. Seokhoon was not complaining, in fact Rona had become more open with her affections and her wants from Seokhoon.

There were moments where suddenly his beautiful wife would be straddling his hips in the middle of the day and kissing till he was out of breath. He was more than happy to respond in kind to Rona, he would take her anywhere and any time of the day. Seokhoon's stamina was just as intense as his wife's. To him, it felt like they had gone back to that honeymoon phase when they first got married. They basically were not able to keep their hands off each other. Rona at first felt rather ashamed of this, but when Hye Rim and Dr Sylvia assured her this was fairly normal in pregnancy and to just let herself go, Rona was relieved. She was even more thankful that her husband not only responded but he responded 100x to her advances.


Seokhoon & Rona's Place, Vienna

Seokhoon was in the music room practising for the concert that was in 2 months time

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Seokhoon was in the music room practising for the concert that was in 2 months time. When suddenly, Rona came into the music room with some refreshment from Seokhoon. He looked up and saw his wife walking in, she looked like a walking angel with a simple white dress. Rona was currently 2 and a half months pregnant, her belly was not really forming yet.

Hey baby. Are you feeling okay?

Yeah, all good. Rona walked over and kissed her husband, Seokhoon turned to hold her in his arms. Rona was wearing a simple wrap around white chiffon dress. Her figure was still slim and her stomach was not showing much yet. Seokhoon continued to kiss her and brought Rona to sit on his lap. She rested on his lap, her legs hooked around his back. With no word exchange, the air shifted. Seokhoon started to kiss Rona with more passion and Rona was more than happy to return it.

I need you baby

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I need you baby.

You have me.

Note: Apologies everyone for the late update. I have lost track of time.

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