185 | Growing Up

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As Seokhoon and Rona focused on their family time over the next couple of months, the twins finally passed the 6 months. They had grown up so fast. When they were first born they were slightly smaller than the average child but now the doctors happily told Seokhoon and Rona that the twins were growing up according to speed. Their weight and size were actually the top 30 percentile. Rona was relieved that the twins were growing and catching up.

By 6 months, the twins' personality really came out. Despite being born on the same day and at the same time, their personalities were really different. Ha Eun (the older one) was a lot calmer compared to Ha Yun. Ha Yun was a slightly more fussy baby and a lot more vocal with her crying.

It took a while for Rona and Seokhoon to figure out how to deal with Ha Yun, both Ha Eun and Hyun Jae were actually rather mild and easy going babies. This was really the first time where Rona and Seokhoon had to deal with a much fussier and demanding baby. Luckily with help from their mothers they eventually figured out how to work with Ha Yun. There was something special about the bond of the twins, whenever Ha Yun would kick up a fuss if Ha Eun was nearby, Ha Yun seemed to calm down much faster. The same went when Hyun Jae was around.

Hyun Jae had become a very dependable Oppa. Despite only being 3 years old, he seemed to instinctively know what the twins wanted. It was almost as though he could read their minds. There were moments where Hyun Jae could guess whether it was poop or food that they needed.

With Hyun Jae now turning 3, he was soon going to be transitioning into nursery. Even though Rona would like to keep Hyun Jae beside her. She knew that he needed to learn to socialise. Rona and Seokhoon did have friends who had young children and often Hyun Jae would have playdates with them, but that was very different from a classroom setting. Seokhoon wanted his son to learn more social skills early on. Suryeon and Yoonhee did their research and actually gave them both a list of good nurseries. Not only were these places top-notch in terms of education but their curriculum was all rounded.

Seokhoon and Rona had been practising with Hyun Jae. They currently send him to day care even though it is only for about 4 hours. But they hope this will help prevent any separation anxiety when he officially starts nursery.

With the twins now 6 months old, Seokhoon and Rona have officially returned to their activities. Granted they have not taken any overseas schedule as of now. They want to wait for the twins to hit their first birthday before they consider an overseas schedule. For the past month, Rona has been incredibly busy with back to back performances. With Rona out on hiatus the world has been eagerly waiting for her return and so when she announced her comeback performances. There were many companies and events that desperately wanted Rona to perform. Despite the restriction of Rona's movements, many events still wanted her, even willing to fly out or hire a camera crew so that her performance can be broadcasted live during the event itself.

Seokhoon was still rather careful with Rona. Even though the doctor had cleared Rona for any relations. Seokhoon still was gentle with Rona, plus the fact that they were now really busy focusing on child rearing that there was really not a lot of alone time with each other. They did get the occasional break when the twins were being taken off by their babysitter or their mothers. Seokhoon and Rona would slip away for an hour or two but it was not enough for them to really properly enjoy each other's company.

Rona really not only missed her husband physically but also the fact that they had not really had a proper date night since the twins came. Granted their children came first, but both knew that their marriage relationship still mattered and they needed to focus on each other as well as their children. Rona did mention this to Yoonhee and Suryeon and with much rescheduling and arranging. Yoonhee and Suryeon would be taking care of the twins and Hyun Jae for an entire night.

The twins were finally being weaned off breast milk and so they didn't necessarily need Rona there to feed the twins. So the twins and Hyun Jae could be away from their parents for one night. Rona was beyond excited, she really was looking forward to uninterrupted time spent with Seokhoon and he was also looking forward to having his wife back.

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