158 | Anniversary

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Interalpen-Hotel Tyrol, Austria

The next day, Rona only woke up close to 11am

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The next day, Rona only woke up close to 11am. Seokhoon was right, he had taken her so many times through the night yesterday that Rona was completely exhausted. When she felt around the bed she realised it was cold to the touch. She slowly opened her eyes, Seokhoon wasn't there. She looked around and right then, Seokhoon entered the room. He carried in a nice breakfast tray and laid it in front of Rona.

I figured you would be exhausted so I didn't wake you. How are you feeling?

Sore... because of someone.

Seokhoon didn't look embarrassed or guilty, in fact he looked rather damn proud of that. Looks like I kept my promise. I hope you didn't have any plans, I don't have any intentions of doing anything today.

No I didn't. I wanted this trip to be both relaxing and healing for both of us.

Rona only had a special plan for this evening. Today was the day of Seokhoon and Rona's wedding anniversary. She had something lovely planned for Seokhoon, so she didn't want to give away too much. Seokhoon and Rona ended up spending a very lazy afternoon together. They made a quick call back home, and spent time video-chatting Hyun Jae and their parents. Rona was relieved to hear that Hyun Jae had been good. He was not throwing any fuss and was eating well. She definitely missed her son but she was grateful that she is getting to spend uninterrupted time with her husband. It was soon 5pm, Rona laid out Seokhoon's outfit and told him to get changed.

Are we going somewhere fancy?

Not that fancy but I want both of us to dress up. Rona winked and went to get ready. Seokhoon saw what was laid out on the bed was a rather hip and modern suit. The black shirt was a turtle neck style and the jacket was semi-oversized. He went to style his hair, Rona was in the other room getting ready. While Seokhoon was waiting for his wife in the living room, Rona came out wearing a beautiful lace sleeve dress that had an open back. Her long and black hair flowed down her back like a waterfall. She was wearing a simple diamond earring that Seokhoon got for her birthday last year and a silver necklace. Rona's makeup was slightly thicker than usual, her eyes were painted with a seductive shadow shade and her lips were dark red. Rona looked really different, there was just something not only beautiful about her but alluring as well.

Seokhoon wanted to grab her and kiss her but Rona resisted her husband, insisting that dinner was important first

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Seokhoon wanted to grab her and kiss her but Rona resisted her husband, insisting that dinner was important first. Seokhoon pushed down his desire for his wife. She really wanted to go out to dinner, so for now he will fulfil her wish. Rona and Seokhoon went out to a lovely restaurant in town and Rona had arranged that the dinner was in a private room, with a beautiful view of the lovely nature scenery in front of them. With the lovely candlelight, the rose petals, and the good food the entire atmosphere was beyond romantic.

After a lovely dinner, they were walking around the town when Seokhoon and Rona chanced upon a very simple music store. Looking from the outside it was a rather vintage-like store. Seokhoon directed Rona to go inside. The store was really simple, there were many classical music sheets and books, there were also rows and rows of LP collections. Towards the back of the store was a small grand piano, there were several comfortable sofas around it. It looked like a tiny piano bar. But right now in the store there was no one around.

Seokhoon moved over and Rona sat on the sofa. She was rather clueless with what was going on. What is happening? Is someone going to be performing?

Hmmm. Seokhoon didn't answer her, after Rona had sat on the sofa Seokhoon walked over to the piano. Perfectly coordinated, the simple sound system came on and Seokhoon started to play the piano. It was as though he had a spotlight on him as he played a beautiful piece. The more Rona listened to it, she realised that she didn't know that piece. This must have been a brand new piece that Seokhoon wrote.

As Rona sat there listening to the piece, she knew instantly who and what this song was about. Rona got an impression, she felt love, she could see that the song was really a love song. As Seokhoon continued to play the piece, Rona could feel tears well up in her life. After Seokhoon finished the piece, he turned to her, kneeling on the floor as she remained seated on the sofa.

There was a gift bag that was near the sofa and he gave a present box to her. Open it. Rona untied the ribbon and inside the box was a large book. When Rona opened the book, it was actually a photo album. It was not just one book but several books. Seokhoon had actually tracked their relationship from their dating days till now. As the albums started to get to the present, the photos of Hyun Jae and their family. Seokhoon had made the photo albums like scrapbooks. He added comments through the books, as Rona read, it really brought her to tears and made her just realise how long they have been together and how much they have achieved.

Rona reached over and gave Seokhoon a big hug and a kiss

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Rona reached over and gave Seokhoon a big hug and a kiss.

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I love it, this beats any expensive or fancy present. You made it from the heart.

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