25 | Busan

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Busan, Korea

Having slept early last night, Rona's body began to wake up around 7:30 AM. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Seokhoon's face right in front of hers. She snuggled even closer to him, she could feel his breath on her skin. Seokhoon, still half asleep, reached out to hug Rona close to him, her face buried in between his shoulder and chest. Rona smelt that familiar scent of her husband. It was a smell that she never realised brought her much comfort and assurance. She hugged him back and closed her eyes, she soon found herself falling back to sleep.

Seokhoon stirred awake around 8:30 AM, when he felt around the bed he noticed it was cold. He woke up and saw that there was an empty space beside him. Rona must have woken up already. He walked out of the bedroom, yawning as he went along. He could hear the soft sound of someone singing. Seokhoon's eyes slowly woke up and he saw Rona standing in the kitchen. He just stood there completely taken away by her beauty. Rona was just wearing a simple white t-shirt (Seokhoon's), her beautiful slender legs stood out to Seokhoon.

Rona was humming in the kitchen as she focused on preparing breakfast for Seokhoon. Before they arrived at their rental yesterday, Rona went to buy some groceries. She figured it would save a bit of money if they cooked their own breakfast during their time here in Busan. As she was finishing up breakfast, she jumped when she felt someone hugging her waist. She looked behind to see Seokhoon standing behind her, hugging her. Good Morning my love. Seokhoon gave her a big kiss on her cheek and went back to hugging her, his head on her shoulder.

If you don't let me go, we can't eat. Seokhoon tightens his hold over Rona's waist. I want to hold you forever. Rona laughed and elbowed Seokhoon, he grunted in pain and reluctantly released her. He went to make his daily coffee and tea for both of them and set up the table, just in time Rona had finished the last dish for breakfast. She made soup, a meat dish and vegetable dish with other side dishes (like kimchi). Thank you for cooking Rona. Seokhoon kissed her lightly on the cheek and they dug in. They discussed what they were going to do today.

They decided to take in the sights today, Seokhoon checked the weather and was thankful that there was not going to be much rain or snow. They would not have that much difficulty exploring Busan today. After breakfast, Seokhoon washed up the dishes while Rona went to get ready for the day. The weather was still cold despite having neither rain nor snow, so Rona made sure to dress warmly before heading out. One of the places they were going to visit was the Gamcheon Culture Village, which is an iconic location of Busan.

Thankfully with no snow or rain, the steps of the village were not too difficult to walk

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Thankfully with no snow or rain, the steps of the village were not too difficult to walk. There were many scenic locations throughout the village that Seokhoon and Rona could take photos of. The village also had many cute and hip cafes and stores, so Seokhoon and Rona spent the better part of the morning till early afternoon just exploring the village. Rona really loved how quirky and colourful the village was. It was historical but at the same time, they have modernised it with new and unique cafes and artwork throughout the walls of the village.

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By mid afternoon, they headed to Haeundae Beach, one of the popular beaches to visit in Busan

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By mid afternoon, they headed to Haeundae Beach, one of the popular beaches to visit in Busan. They made their way to Goraesa Fishcake, one of the famous must-eat places in Busan. They sold an assortment of various fishcakes. After they grabbed their snacks, they walked over to the beach so that they could catch the sunset.

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As the sun began to set, Seokhoon and Rona were sitting at a cafe along the beach watching the night turn dark

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As the sun began to set, Seokhoon and Rona were sitting at a cafe along the beach watching the night turn dark. Seokhoon hugged Rona, keeping her warm. She turned to him and kissed him. Shall we go home for dinner? Can we buy something back home?

That sounds like a good idea, it is rather cold. Seokhoon and Rona decided to buy dinner back to their rental. They went to buy something that would warm them up this winter, along the way Seokhoon stopped by a convenience store and went to buy a bottle of soju for them. Since they had gotten married, they had not drank together. They arrived home by 7pm and decided to eat on the floor. Seokhoon set the table up and Rona went to prepare the dinner they bought. Once dinner was ready, they clicked their soju glasses and drank.

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