107 | Argelès-sur-Mer

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Seokhoon and Rona's days soon flew by, soon a month was left before Seokhoon and Rona's concert began. Most of the plans for the concert had been finalised, this allowed the couple to go away for a short trip to just relax and enjoy each other. Once the baby arrived, they knew that a lot of their attention would be focused on him or her, so they wanted to make use of their time now. Seokhoon researched and decided to go to a quiet place in Europe somewhere where they could enjoy the sun.

Argelès-sur-Mer, France

Overall the trip was about a 5 hour journey

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Overall the trip was about a 5 hour journey. They flew to a city in France for about 4 hours and spent the remaining one hour driving to the quiet town of Argeles-sur-Mer. Argeles-sur-Mer is a town and seaside resort on the Mediterranean coast of France, near the border with Spain and on the section of coast known as the Cote Vermeille. It is in an attractive setting with the low hills of the eastern Pyrenees and the massif des Albères behind the beach and Mount Canigou visible beyond.

Seokhoon had booked a lovely beach house that sat on the edge of the beach. This gave the couple direct access to the beach and also a level of quietness as well. Seokhoon had rented an open car so that they could enjoy the wind as they drove down to the town. Summer was here, luckily it was not scorching hot, with the breeze coming from the sea it was rather cooling.

Seokhoon slowly made their way to Argelès-sur-Mer, enjoying the scenery as they drove along

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Seokhoon slowly made their way to Argelès-sur-Mer, enjoying the scenery as they drove along. Rona really loves the heat from the summer sun as well as the wind breeze flying through her hair. Under an hour, they had arrived at their accommodation. The beach house that Seokhoon rented was really sweet and overall simple. The beach house was still large enough to accommodate more than 2 people. It had a full size kitchen and dining space, two bedrooms and two bathrooms. It also had an outdoor swimming pool and a simple closet space in each bedroom. What was the real prize of the beach house was the view of the ocean. The beach house was right at the water's edge, just a couple of steps down and Seokhoon and Rona would be standing on the beach already. It was perfect, simple and private, Rona loved it. The house gave them overall the privacy they needed as a couple but was also accessible to the beach.

The couple was going to be here for about 5 days and 4 nights

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The couple was going to be here for about 5 days and 4 nights. They did not plan to do much, this trip was really just a relaxing and recreational trip. Where for at least 5 days they didn't have to think about work or anything else. One thing that they plan on doing while they are here is to take some pregnancy photos. The couple intended to use some of these photos as a way of announcing not only to the media but also their friends and family back in New York and at home. Rona was already in her 3rd month and soon she would be entering the stable period of her pregnancy. Seokhoon was really grateful so far, Rona's pregnancy experience had been fairly smooth, she only had a mild aversion to certain kinds of meat like lamb and some shellfish but other than that, Rona had the energy to move around.

According to Dr Sylvia, as Rona's belly and foetus increased in size, she may experience backache, shortness of breath and even heartburn and ingestion. Dr Sylvia recommended that it would be wise for Rona to stay hydrated and also continue to maintain a healthy and stable diet. For now, Rona still was not experiencing any discomfort or nausea, so she wanted to make use of this time to really enjoy herself with her husband. Once they arrived, they decided to just take a quick rest first. Now that Rona was pregnant, she often found herself needing to take afternoon naps. While Rona napped in the bedroom, Seokhoon went to make sure that the fridge was well-stocked and quickly just explored the surrounding area first. He figured that for dinner they would go out into the town and enjoy a lovely French diner and a nice walk along the beach.

Once Rona woke up, they decided to go into town - Argeles Town

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Once Rona woke up, they decided to go into town - Argeles Town. Argeles is a pleasant town in the Catalan style with some interesting narrow streets to explore in the remaining part of the historic village. They made their way to the Les Planches restaurant that was situated near the coastal line. The restaurant served some of the freshest seafood. Since Rona avoided shellfish, they decided to order fish and a couple of side dishes to share between the two of them.

With the sun setting as they ate, everything felt so tranquil and peaceful. It occurred to Rona that Seokhoon and her had been married for a full three years already. Even though it was not a long marriage yet, she was still grateful every single day that she was married to such a wonderful man. Seokhoon caught Rona staring at him as they ate. What is the matter?

Rona shook her head and said nothing. She went back to eating their dinner. She would tell him later when they returned to their accommodation. For now, she just wanted to remember this moment, this feeling.

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