61 | Mastermind

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After that confrontation by Grace, Seokhoon and Alex stepped up security. It turns out Grace had used someone's else's name to enter the condo. Alex wanted to find out who could have worked with Grace. Alex ordered a deeper investigation with Grace.

Security was tighter for the couple for now, until the investigation of Grace was finished. After that brief scare, Seokhoon and Rona returned back to their school and their careers. They were almost approaching their Winter break. It was decided that since they had not had time to spend with their friends, they were all going to be going on a road trip together for a couple of days.

After a busy semester, they all wanted a good break where they could just unplug and unwind. They would be going for a road trip for about 5-6 days, and over the Christmas week. Seokhoon and Rona had 2 performances in the States before their road trip.

Seokhoon and Rona were going to be attending the same two concerts for the first two weeks in December. They were going to be going to San Francisco first and then from there, the gang will be taking a road trip down from San Francisco. All of them were really busy leading up to the final year exams for their semester.

432 Park Avenue, New York

Seokhoon and Rona were busy studying for their exams when they heard a knock on their study room door

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Seokhoon and Rona were busy studying for their exams when they heard a knock on their study room door. Jae Hwan entered. I know I shouldn't be disturbing you guys but I have some news. Alex has finished his investigation into Grace. I think you are gonna find this really interesting.

Jae Rim showed them a few papers, Seokhoon and Rona were shocked by the content. It seems that led up to the whole scandal with Seokhoon and Grace. Grace had been in contact with a very familiar name actually to Seokhon and Rona. You are telling me that Grace has been in contact or it seems based on the text that she is friends with Gabbie?!

Yes, it looks that way. We did some investigation and it turns out that Grace's parents know Gabbie's. They have hung out with each other for many years. The documents contain text messages between Grace and Gabbie for the longest time. Based on when they started talking Jae Hwan was right, Grace and Gabbie have known each other for at least 5 years and more. The conversations were overall friendly, asking how each other were and meet ups. But in the past 2 years the conversations shifted. Looking at the timeline it seems that their conversations changed when Gabbie was forced out of Juilliard. She went on to blame Seokhoon and Rona for her leaving and even told Grace that it was them that chased her out.

Grace decided to take revenge for her friend, she was already skilled in breaking up marriages, so Grace believed that breaking up Seokhoon and Rona was going to be as easy as lifting a finger. What Grace and Gabbie had not foreseen was similar to Gabbie who had a rich backer (her father), Seokhoon and Rona's guardian in New York was still Alex and he didn't take lightly to someone threatening to frame and smear Seokhoon's good name and break up their marriage.

Without realising it, Grace and Gabbie had incurred the wrath of not just Seokhoon but also Alex and Shimwoo & Co. This news was made public. Gabbie leaving Juilliard was always kept quiet and so the public didn't know who Gabbie was or anything. It was only within just that batch that some knowledge was made of why Gabbie left but for the most parts, most students didn't know. This time, Seokhoon made sure that everyone finally connected the dots. At first, Seokhoon hesitated, he knew that no matter what Rona at one point in time, saw Gabbie as a friend. But Rona realised that showing kindness would continue to give the impression to Gabbie that she was untouchable.

So like how Grace's name was dragged through the mud. News articles were published detailing the reasons why Grace went after Seokhoon and Rona. It was not some jilted lover kind of story, it was a story of petty revenge from a former classmate. After that Seokhoon didn't need to do anything, the reporters themselves began to dig up information about Gabbie and her family. The newspapers exposed how Gabbie left the school not because of some bullying done by Seokhoon or Rona but rather she was the bully instead.

Grace and Gabbie's names were completely destroyed. Gabbie initially could have disappeared quietly but instead she chose to thrust herself back into this drama that she herself created in the first place. The last time they heard about either of them was that Grace had officially been dropped by her agency and label, she was officially banned from any classical stage. Gabbie's name and family were in the spotlight, her father was still powerful enough for his family to not be bothered. But from that day forth, everyone knew who Gabbie was, Seokhoon rested easy that she was never going to be making trouble for them ever again.

Note: I know it seems a bit strange how the end was... but be patient. For now let us just enjoy Seokhoon and Rona enjoying themselves ^^

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