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JohnBio Hospital, Seoul

Rona was wheeled into the hospital room she had previously used once before

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Rona was wheeled into the hospital room she had previously used once before. The doctor came in, they quickly checked Rona's pulse and everything first before the doctor checked how dilated she was. Ok Rona seems you have to wait a while, you have only dilated about 5cm, so we are halfway there. We will continue to monitor, your contractions need to be further together before we begin alright?

Rona nodded her head in understanding, her forehead was covered in sweat, her hand tightly clasped her husband's to handle the pain. Hang in there Rona, it shouldn't be any much longer. I think about another 30 minutes or less and you will be ready to go. With that the doctor left the room for a while first, Seokhoon was busy making sure Rona was comfortable before sitting down just beside her. Are you okay?

I am a bit thirsty...

Seokhoon knew the drill already, he had some ice chips prepared and placed them on Rona's dry lips to help cool her down and give her some water. When Rona indicated she was okay, only then did Seokhoon stop feeding her the ice chips. He leaned down and kissed Rona's forehead before moving down to her closed eyelids, her nose and finally landing at her lips. Rona gripped Seokhoon's t-shirt as they shared a passionate kiss. I am here with you, all the way baby. Rona smiled and kissed Seokhoon again. She didn't let up, the kiss was not only fogging up her brain but it helped to distract her from the pain she was feeling. Seokhoon was more than happy to oblige in his wife's demands.

As they continued kissing, they hadn't realised that someone was knocking on the door to their room. Their parents had just arrived, not hearing a response, Yoonhee slowly pushed the door open and saw this passionate sight of the two of them kissing. She quickly closed the room door and indicated that they were to wait for a while. After a couple of minutes, Yoonhee knocked again on the door, making sure the sound could be heard loudly. They heard a soft Come In and entered the room. Rona looked much better than before and Seokhoon was standing beside her, holding her hand tightly still.

They explained they were waiting for Rona to dilate more before they wheeled her into the operation theatre. Right on cue, the doctor came back in. She looked and asked Seokhoon about the contraction timing. With a serious look, it is time. The medical team got busy and started to prepare for Rona to be wheeled into the theatre. Seokhoon was allowed to go in with her so he had to prepare as well.

Omma, Hyun Jae is still asleep at home. Could you get him for us?

Of course, son. Don't worry we will bring Hyun Jae here, you take care of Rona.

After some time, the nurse came to get Seokhoon and lead him to the theatre. Rona was lying down and Seokhoon sat right beside her holding her hand. Ok Rona are you ready? This would be more challenging than the last time but I know you can do it. It's time to push. Following the doctor's instructions, Rona pushed and rested at different intervals. The first twin was in a good position to be born so it took about 10 minutes before the first twin was born. They gave Rona a quick minute to rest before she had to go again. Luckily the 2nd birth was somewhat easy and within 5 minutes the 2nd twin was out. The nurse led Seokhoon to see both the twins as they were being cleaned up, he cut both umbilical cords before being led back to Rona.

How are they?

They are beautiful babies. They look good despite coming out early.

Well most twins come out before 37 weeks, after this you will be moved to the birth centre so we will continue to monitor the twins there. The nurses came over to report their weight and size of the twins. Since the twins were born prematurely, the size and weight was naturally lower compared to Hyun Jae who was born at full 40 weeks but the weight of both twins was still within the healthy range.

They carried both twins over, placing one in Seokhoon's arms while the other was in Rona's. Upon seeing the twins, Rona started to cry. She never in her life imagined she would be having twins and now seeing them in real life, holding them in her arms overwhelmed her. Seokhoon kissed Rona on the forehead as they looked at both of their daughters.

Hello there. It seems like the twins heard them as they started to move those tiny arms of theirs. Rona and Seokhoon smiled at the sight, the twins were then taken away to be further cleaned up. Seokhoon eventually left the theatre as the doctor's finished up with Rona. When Seokhoon stepped out of the theatre, his parents along with Hyun Jae were there waiting for them.

They are healthy and beautiful. Rona is good as well. Everyone clapped and Hyun Jae went into Seokhoon's arms.


Omma is in there, don't worry she will come out. Come let's go see your dongseng.

Dongseng!! Seokhoon walked over to the nursery and right on cue the twins were in the room and placed right in front. Seokhoon pointed to the twins and told Hyun Jae those were his sisters. You are now an Oppa, Hyun Jae.


Yes Oppa.

Hyun Jae plastered his face to the glass as he continued to stare at the two girls. Everyone else awed and took pictures of the twin girls. Seokhoon eventually let out a sign of relief that everything was good and went well.

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