15 | We are getting married

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Seokhoon's Place, Shimwoo Tower

Today was the day of Seokhoon and Rona's wedding

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Today was the day of Seokhoon and Rona's wedding. When Seokhoonn woke up, he was a little nervous but mostly excited. When Seokhoon had left his bedroom, there was organised chaos that was taking place in the house. Seokkyung was already up bright and early, Suryeon was so busy with the wedding preparations that she took the liberty to cook breakfast for not just the family but for the various staff members who were present. Seungho had just arrived with Seokhoon's suit in hand. His other groomsmen also filtered into the house, all of them had brought their suits along.

They were going to press their suits here first and have their breakfast before the entire wedding party would be heading to the wedding studio for the ceremony. You have the rings right? Seokhoon asked Seungho. Yes, I do. They are right here. Seungho took out a velvet bag and showed two ring boxes inside it. After the groom party had eaten their breakfast, they made their way down to the wedding studio. Seokhoon and Rona were going to make their way separately, in the case of Rona she had more things to take note of so by the time Seokhoon left his place, Rona was already at the studio.

The Raum, Seoul

When Seokhoon entered the dressing room, Rona was wearing a gown and getting her hair and makeup done. He walked over to her, and smiled at her through the mirror. There were many people crowding over Rona so Seokhoon could only look at her from a distance. She smiled back, and asked if he had eaten. I did, did you?

Yes, Mari and Sangah ahjummah came over early in the morning to cook for me and the bridesmaids a full breakfast. It was really sweet of them. Seokhoon went to go and change into his suit, he needed to be in front of the wedding chapel to welcome guests with Suryeon and Yoonhee. The ceremony was to begin at 10 AM, it was now 9:30, so right after Seokhoon's hair was styled and his suit was put on he was immediately ushered out of the dressing room.

Rona laughed as she saw that sad expression that Seokhoon couldn't spend much time with her before the ceremony. She was rather thankful that he was being ushered out, she did not want him to see her wedding gown. Seokhoon was standing at the front door to the chapel, the chapel could seat up to 150 people. Apart from Seokhoon and Rona's friends, they had also extended their wedding invitation to their friend's parents as well. They had also invited a few former classmates of theirs from Chungah High. Seungho, Stephanie and George's parents had specially flown in from the States to come to their wedding.

Congratulations Seokhoon!

Thank you Sir. Rona and I are very grateful you took time out of your busy schedule to attend our wedding.

Oh Seokhoon, this is no thanks necessary. You have been such good friends with Seungho. The fact that you thought of all of us is something we will always appreciate.

He introduced them to Yoonhee and Suryeon and their parents gushed to Suryeon and Yoonhee about just how lovely and sweet Seokhoon and Rona are. Thank you for all your kind words, Rona and Seokhoon have told us much about your children and we have had the pleasure of meeting them. Your children too are really talented and courteous. The parents were ushered in, right then a Korean couple who Seokhoon did not recognise came up to him and congratulated him.

Thank you for coming, maybe I know are you a guest of my mother's? The nice lady smiled and shook her head. No, I believe we are guests of yours.


Yes, we are Yoo Jung's parents.

Oh, hello sir and mdm. This is the first time I am meeting you, thank you for coming to my wedding.

Oh thank you for inviting us. Right then Suryeon came up from behind Seokhoon and greeted the couple. After the parents were ushered in, Suryeon whispered to Seokhoon. How do you know this couple?

They are Yoo Jung's parents.


Why Omma, what's wrong?

Seokhoon-ah, that man. He is the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Seokhoon was shocked, he had suspected that Yoo Jung's father's identity was big, but Minister level?! His mouth was wide open as he tried to sneak a peek at the couple again. Yah, you are the star of today not him, but looks like you do have friends in some high places.

Chapel, The Raum

It was close to 10 AM, and the last of the guests had arrived. Seokhoon entered the chapel and stood at the end of the virgin road. An officiant was there waiting, the host of the ceremony would be Minheyok and Jenny. As per Rona's request, the chapel was bright with the morning light streaming in. The chairs and aisle were decked out in beautiful white and light pink roses and baby's breath flowers.

The overall look felt as though they were in the middle of the meadow. Unfortunately because of the winter weather, Rona could not have the wedding outdoors, so she had asked the wedding team to bring Spring indoors. Seokhoon fiddled with his suit as he waited for the ceremony to begin, he had opted for a slightly more non-traditional suit, he was not wearing a tie, just a black shirt paired with black jacket and pants. He looked down the aisle and to the side of the aisle, were the parents sitting, the bride's side on the left and the groom's to the right.

Yoonhee and Suryeon were sitting alone, Rona at first was still on the fence on whether to ask Yoonchul to sit where the parents would usually sit, but she decided she wanted to honor her mother more. So in the end Yoonhee was sitting alone at the parent's seats. At 10:02 AM, the lights dimmed, the wedding ceremony was about to begin. Seokhoon calmed his beating heart as best as he could. He faced the door, where Rona would be walking through. We are finally getting married.

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