137 | Jeju Island

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Jeju Island, Korea

Seokhoon, Rona, Hyun Jae, Peter and Marcus exited the Jeju airport, the weather was absolutely wonderful

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Seokhoon, Rona, Hyun Jae, Peter and Marcus exited the Jeju airport, the weather was absolutely wonderful. It was a nice spring, the breeze was cooling but with the sun up high in the sky. Marcus got the rented car and the group got in.

Thanks Marcus and Peter for following us.

Of course, we can take care of Hyun Jae while you two go and have some alone time together.

Rona blushed a little because she understood the implications, but Peter was right. Seokhoon and Rona definitely needed some time alone and it was good that they had help. Luckily, Hyun Jae was now in his 4th month, he was growing well and he was finally sleeping well through most of the night. So Seokhoon and Rona felt comfortable to leave Hyun Jae alone for just a night. Marcus drove them to their accommodation. Shimwoo & Co had expanded their hotel operations and had now branched over to Jeju island. Apart from a hotel, they branched to a resort style.

Suryeon had actually made several stand alone houses which can be used for private holidays

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Suryeon had actually made several stand alone houses which can be used for private holidays. There were two of these round houses that were located near the shore. The houses were just beside each other but also still gave both houses enough privacy. Hyun Jae had now gotten comfortable with Peter and Marcus that leaving them alone for a night was perfectly okay. This would give Seokhoon and Rona their own space, so they could spend time without worrying about Hyun Jae. There were two nurseries in both houses so Hyun Jae would be comfortable.

 There were two nurseries in both houses so Hyun Jae would be comfortable

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This house is so unique. It is like a crescent moon...

Yeah, I like how the houses are near but there is still some distance so we can be alone if we want to. Seokhoon kissed Rona on the cheek, as Hyun Jae made some sound in his arms. Hello my son. You finally woke up from your nap...

Hyun Jae opened his eyes and started to move those tiny arms of his. Seokhoon and Rona would be staying in Jeju for about a month, it would give them the holiday feel, and just time to really relax being surrounded by nature. Seokhoon and Rona were really grateful to be leaving Seoul for a while, as much as they loved the city. The two of them also really loved being surrounded by quietness and nature. This would also put them away from any media that would want to take photographs of them.

After they unpacked, they decided to take a walk along the beach. Luckily the wind was not strong and with the sun up high in the sky. Seokhoon and Rona made sure Hyun Jae was dressed warmly, before they made their way to the shore. Their accommodations were only a 10-min walk away from the beach. This is beautiful.

It has been a while since we went on a holiday.

Well we tried to go as much as we could before we came back to Seoul.

This reminds me of Greece.

Indeed, the beach and the blue skies.

It is really nice that we can come here with Hyun Jae.

I am so grateful he is growing up well.

I am just so shocked how fast time has passed, he was so small and now look at him... They looked down and saw that Hyun Jae was looking up at them, he was strapped to Seokhoon's chest and started to move his arms and legs. Looks like he is happy.

Rona leaned in and sniffed her son, that unique baby smell of her son soothed her. She kissed his fat little cheeks and pinched it. Seokhoon kissed the other cheek of Hyun Jae and he started to laugh. Seokhoon pulled Rona close to him, hooking his arm around her waist and kissed her softly on the cheek. Rona turned her head towards him and kissed him on the lips. Rona squeezed his arm as their kiss turned intense. Seokhoon covered Hyun Jae's eyes to prevent him from seeing this public display of intense affection between the two.

They eventually separated and Rona blushed, she realised that she had let down her guard and actually kissed her husband passionately in public. Luckily, the beach was fairly empty and not many people were around, she pinched Seokhoon and he laughed loudly.

Come, let's go and buy some food and bring it back for Marcus and Peter as well.

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