59 | Don't mess with us

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A full day had passed since the 'scandal' of Seokhoon and Grace. Within the span of 24 hours, the balance had now tipped towards Seokhoon. With more and more people coming out to support Seokhoon, it seemed that the news article that was published was wrong. One thing that Grace failed to consider was the sheer popularity of Seokhoon, she had believed too much in her own reputation and popularity. She thought because she was more popular than Seokhoon, that naturally more people would side with her. Coupled with her image as the darling of the classical music world, she thought that her reputation would be the one that people would aim to protect.

At first, this plan of Grace's worked, however she failed to consider that just because Seokhoon was less popular doesn't mean he lacked support especially from the ones who really count. But now, her plan on only relying on her reputation was seriously backfiring.

Somewhere in California

Grace was sitting in her living room looking at the comments and responses from the various senior musicians and from the public about Seokhoon and Grace

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Grace was sitting in her living room looking at the comments and responses from the various senior musicians and from the public about Seokhoon and Grace. Grace was boiling. She had not expected such an all out assault to destroy the credibility of the article. What stumped Grace was that she didn't have any additional evidence to back up her claims. During those two weeks, Seokhoon did his best to make sure he was always standing away from Grace. Even when she tried to get close to him, there was always someone in the way or Seokhoon made sure they were never alone.

Grace only had her one chance at the dressing room and even though she got the shot she was looking for, other than that she had nothing. Unlike previous victims, Seokhoon never fell for her charms or even got into bed with her, so her evidence was really nothing. Right then her manager came running in. Grace, I have news.

What? Did Seokhoon finally give in? Despite the public now siding with him, I bet you Rona probably didn't believe him right? Grace kept going on, speaking rather triumphantly. The manager interrupted her.

Urm, that isn't the case, you better take a look at this.

Grace took the iPad that the manager was carrying and scrolled through the page. As she read it, her face cracked, that confident look of Grace completely vanished and it was replaced by anger and shock. She was so angry that she threw the iPad onto the floor and the screen smashed.

How did anyone get their hands on such materials?! That is impossible, I made sure that all these were private functions and no cameras or videos. How?! Grace's thoughts ran, how did the media get onto these things?! There was no way she was ever going to be able to salvage her reputation and her status after this.

432 Park Avenue, New York

Rona was looking at the articles that were released just a minute ago

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Rona was looking at the articles that were released just a minute ago. She sighed. Why did it have to come to this? Even though Rona, personally, was very angry at what Grace did, she never wanted to destroy someone in order for them to learn their lesson. But when she found out what Grace had said to her husband, Rona no longer could be kind or nice to her. She was determined to snatch Seokhoon away and Rona was never going to just stand there to let that happen.

What was exposed was that apart from being jumping from married men to married men, holding blackmail material and seeking pleasure in destroying other people's relationships. Grace loved sex, and she was not shy about finding them from strangers, going to extreme parties and inviting people to a secondary site for orgies. Grace had thought that she had a full proof system, she always made sure to never use her real name, and she banned any type of camera or video taping. However, Grace always left those arrangements to her manager who unfortunately, was not always on Grace's side.

Furthermore, what Grace did not realise was that her own manager kept his own set of materials. Grace also kept him as a lover but because of the power difference, he had to keep quiet about all the other activities Grace participated in. He was the one that arranged everything, he was well aware of the true nature of Grace. Even though Grace professed her love for him, and he did love her. He had witnessed first hand how Grace treated her targets, as much as he was stupidly in love, he also realised he needed a way out. That was how Alex was about to find a loophole, he leaned on the manager and got all the materials necessary.

The manager gave up easily because he too was at the end of his rope. In the 3 years since Grace debuted, she had destroyed so many people that it was beginning to weigh heavily on his conscience. When Alex persuaded him, he handed over everything willingly and with the promise of a bit of pay-out, he turned against his former employee. This was a much bigger scandal than what Grace had intended to play, now because of this, whatever she claimed previously flew out the window. More and more of her victims began to speak out, with the help of Alex, Seokhoon actually had all the statements of the victims who were willing to come forward. It was just a matter of when perhaps he would use it.

The final slam dunk was the video that was recorded by Edwin, Raph and Hye Rim. The video showed that it was not Seokhoon who came onto Grace but rather Grace who came onto Seokhoon. With that blow, the previous statement that Grace claimed completely shattered. Seokhoon was looking for Rona who was sitting in the music room looking at the articles and comments. He sat down beside her and hugged her close. Are you okay? Rona asked, leaning her head on Seokhoon's chest. I am better now that I have you in my arms.

I wish it never came to this.

I know, Rona. I too but she hit us first, we have to fight back.

I know, I just don't like this feeling, that's all. Seokhoon rubbed Rona's shoulder, he knew Rona never enjoyed this. He kissed her lightly on the forehead. Rona, I know. This is not something that I wished happened as well, I was not careful.

No, this is not your fault. How could you have predicted such a person existed?

At least there is a lesson learnt in all this.

What lesson?

That people shouldn't mess with us.

Rona nodded. She hoped that after this, they would have none of this any more. They can quietly finish their final year and really turn their focus to their career and their marriage.

Note: I hope this is enough drama for us all. HAHA. but, will Grace disappear now?

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