165 | Presence

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Salzburg, Austria

Rona was fast asleep in the upstairs bedroom

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Rona was fast asleep in the upstairs bedroom. Seokkyung had brought ingredients in the city and with Eunbyeol's help. Dinner was underway. Seokkyung ended up chasing everyone else out. I am perfectly capable around the kitchen. Besides, haven't you heard the saying that too many cooks spoil the broth? Eunbyeol helping me is more than enough. I don't need you oppa. You can hardly cook.

Hey I can alright!

How many dishes?

Seokhoon was stumped, in truth he only knew how to cook maybe 5 dishes and they were simple dishes.

I figured so. You three can leave, shoo shoo~.

With that Jenny, Minhyeok and Seokhoon were sitting around in the living room. Seokhoon knew Rona typically needed about 30 minutes of sleep so he decided to come out of the bedroom so as to not disturb her sleep.

How do you feel about having twins?

Hmm.. Well both excited and worried. Taking care of one child is difficult enough, now with the twins arriving - Well we will be taking care of essentially three children since Hyun Jae is still young.

I am sure you two can handle it.

I hope so, but thank goodness Peter and our babysitter would be around to help us. Plus I think moving temporarily back to Seoul is a good choice. I know both Yoonhee Omma and Omma would gladly help us.

Don't forget our mothers too.

Right of course.

Before we left Seoul to come to Vienna. The two of them along with Yoonhee and Suryeon ahjummah were already discussing who would take turns watching over who.

Don't worry Seokhoon, you can for sure at least count on 4 of them to be your helpers.

Hahah! With that Rona and I would be forever grateful.

Sigh, it seems we are losing to you Seokhoon.

Losing? What do you mean? You two are now in your dream jobs, you are getting married. I don't see how you are losing.

Well... Minhyeok went silent for a minute. When I mean that I have lost, it is in reference to the fact that you have essentially carried on your dream since high school. I feel in some ways I have lost because I changed direction.

Minhyeok-ah, that is never lost. One person can have multiple dreams and aspirations. There are moments where I do wonder, whether I should have actually chosen another path.


But, had I chosen another path perhaps Rona and I would be walking down different ones.

Don't worry Seokhoon even if either one of you had not chosen music, you two would have eventually ended up together.

Jenny is right. You two are soulmates. You two have gone through enough to prove that time and time again.

If anything Seokhoon-ah, I can see how your love for Rona just keeps on growing.

I know, right? I always hear stories of people who fall out of love, but I can't seem to relate.

Haha. That is a good problem to have. It is better to keep falling in love rather than to fall out of it.

Seokhoon smiled and started to ask questions about Minhyeok and Jenny's life thus far. So you two are not planning on moving out?

No. I did ask Jenny but she was the one that wanted to move in.

Sangha ahjummah is now going to be alone essentially once Minhyeok gets married. Even though Omma and Appa are her neighbours. Nonetheless, they two have work and their own lives, they can't keep checking in on Sangah ahjummah. So I was the one that suggested moving in.

When I told this to Omma. She cried buckets and kept hugging Jenny. She wouldn't let her go.

I guess ahjummah did not expect such a gesture. Especially considering how the two of you are not obligated to do such a thing.

True, but well it is killing two birds with one stone. I will be close to my parents as well.

I already told Omma she can't be a monster-in-law, once we two move in. If not we will move out.

Haha. I am sure she will behave, Minhyeok-ah. Relax. If I do get bullied, can you imagine what Appa would do? Minhyeok shivered at the thought, he imagined Dongpil ahjusshi coming after him with a knife. Right then, Rona came walking down the stairs. Seokhoon got up to assist her on the remaining flights. Did you sleep well?

Yes, I am feeling much more refreshed now. Jenny came over and sat with Rona, the two girls started talking about work, life and then moved on to clothes and many more. Minhyeok and Seokhoon spoke about finance and Minhyeok used this opportunity to ask for advice from a friend who had been married for some time. As the four carried on the chat, Seokkyung and Eunbyeok were almost done with dinner. Eunbyeol was busy setting up the table, while Seokkyung was finishing up the plating of the meal.

At 7:00PM sharp, Seokkyung called everyone to the table. The table was beautifully set up, the food was gorgeous. Rona took a whiff of the food and her stomach started to growl. I wanted to make something new that none of us have tried but I know that we all love Korean food. So the meal tonight is really a fusion. I hope everyone enjoys it!

Thank you for the food! Everyone shouted and started to dig in. Seokkyung was excited as everyone started to rave and praise her meal.  Well I can't take all the credit, I had a fantastic assistant! Everyone clapped in appreciation for Eunbyeol. Hah, Seokkyung did most of the heavy lifting! Everyone enjoyed the remainder of the meal. After which they all headed over to the living room and continued to chat and catch up on matters. Rona really missed this, it was so ordinary yet it was just so simple. Them surrounded by their friends, all who had the same shared experience and past as each other, nothing really needed to be explained, just being in each other's presence was more than enough. That night, Rona went to bed with a smile on her face.

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