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The remaining months for Rona were fairly uneventful. After she was warded into the hospital for a couple of days, the doctor said that everything was clear. Rona just needed to step up her supplement intake and eat more iron enriching food but other than that, everything else was good. For the next one month, Rona was good, energetic and could still take on 1-2 performances. However to not overstress Rona the performances were all conceptualised in an intimate fashion. The audience size did not go beyond 100 and Rona performed at smaller music halls around Seoul.

Rona quite liked this concept, it allowed her to really spend intimate time with her fans and she felt more connected to the audience as they were much closer to her compared to a big music hall. Seokhoon on the other hand did do a few performances outside of Seoul, but he always made sure to be back home, even if that meant that he would only arrive back in Seoul late in the morning.

Hyun Jae was also growing up to be a really active and confident boy. Seokhoon noticed that not much seemed to faze Hyun Jae. Even if he fell down or hurt himself accidentally, his first reaction wouldn't be to cry but actually silence. It seems he was processing what had just happened before he reacted. He was also beginning to recognise a lot more vocab and could not only respond to Seokhoon or Rona's words but also sometimes reply to them, even if it was in just 1-2 words.

Rona's 8th month was a bit more difficult, as her stomach was now not only big but heavy, walking around became a challenge for Rona. She often spent her days sitting on the sofa or in bed. Rona is not the most active person but this was really the first time where she felt really restricted in movement. Seokhoon chose this time to finally go on a break, he wanted to make sure he was by Rona's side 24/7. The doctors had told both of them that it was common for those who had twins to go into labour earlier than usual, so Seokhoon didn't want to take any chances of Rona going into labour when he was not around.

Wherever Rona needed to go around the house or out, Seokhoon made sure he or someone else was holding her just in case. Hyun Jae was now getting more and more excited about the babies coming. Seokhoon had been using toys and stories to tell Hyun Jae that not only were there babies inside of Rona but they were going to be his siblings. They had sought advice on how to ease Hyun Jae into the transition of being no longer an only child. They made sure Hyun Jae was aware of the change of surroundings to their house, from the nursery to the fact that he was going to be an Oppa. One of the advice given was also that they involve Hyun Jae in the process as they were not only preparing for the sibling but also for when the sibling eventually arrives back home.

Hyun Jae was now almost 2 and he was getting good at helping around the house in tiny matters such as cleaning up his toys or fetching something from the room. Seokhoon and Rona planned to try to keep Hyun Jae involved in the process, even something as simple as fetching diapers so that Hyun Jae won't feel he is neglected or jealous of his siblings.

One night Rona was in the kitchen drinking a glass of warm water when suddenly she felt something break. When she looked down she realised her water had broken. She quickly shouted for Seokhoon who came running in from the living room. They are coming... With just those three words, Seokhoon quickly mobilised everyone at home. Peter, Marcus were up and ready. Luckily Seokhoon had packed their bags for the hospital for a couple of weeks already, he quickly loaded them into the car and Marcus drove them to the hospital.

It was already late in the evening and so as to now disturb Hyun Jae, Seokhoon and Rona left him at home with Peter and the babysitter. Hyun Jae can come down to the hospital when the birth is almost finished. While on the way to the hospital, Peter had already phoned the hospital to let them know that Seokhoon and Rona were on their way in, while Seokhoon quickly shot a text to everyone saying that Rona was going into labour.

Breathe baby. It will be alright. Seokhoon kissed Rona on the forehead, guiding her through the breathing techniques they learnt. In record time, they arrived at the hospital, the twins were coming. They were close to seeing them soon.

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