132 | Hello there

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Shimwoo Hospital, Seoul

Seokhoon and Rona reached the hospital in under 15 minutes. They were immediately wheeled into the emergency room where their doctor was already there and waiting. How are we doing, Rona?

I am okay, just a bit painful.

How are those contractions coming along?

There are about every 3 minutes.

Alright, let's check how dilated you are first. The doctor checked Rona. Okay looks like it is soon. We need your contractions to come closer together a little bit more before we move you to the operating theatre okay?

Rona nodded, as Seokhoon got a towel to wipe up the sweat that was dripping down her forehead. Do you need me to let your father know?

It's okay doctor. We will tell them ourselves, how long more do you think we have to wait?

Not long, I predict another 10 minutes or so you will be ready to push. Seokhoon nodded. Peter and Marcus had just entered the room. Is there anything that you would like us to do?

Just take care of Rona, I am going to go out and make some calls. The doctor says she could be wheeled in at any minute, so I better let our parents know. Peter and Marcus went to take care of Rona while Seokhoon slipped out of the room. He first called Yoonhee, figuring that she deserved to be the first to know that Rona was going into labour. The phone rang for a couple of seconds before Yoonhee picked up. Seokhoon-ah! Hi.

Hi Omma, is Omma with you?

Suryeon unnie? Yes, so is Seokkyung and Eunbyeol, we are currently at Suryeon unnie's house. Seokkyung wanted to cook us a nice dinner and so we came over. What's up?

Oh Omma then can you put me on speaker?

Sure, wait a minute.

Oh Seokhoon-ah, you are on speaker mode.

Hi Oppa!

Hi Seokkyung. Okay since most of you are here, I need you to help me pass this message onto Mari ahjusmah and the rest.

Oh okay, is something the matter son?

Oh nothing serious. Just that Rona has gone into labour.

There was a moment of silence before loud screams were heard. WHAT? IS SHE GIVING BIRTH NOW?



Rona isn't in labour yet but she will be soon, the doctor says any minute now. Appa would know where we are, so come when you are all ready. Let everyone else know! Seokhoon quickly hung up and when he entered back into the room, it seemed Rona's breathing got heavier. Is it time?

Peter looked towards Seokhoon. I think so. Her contractions are now about a minute apart. We have rung for the doctor already. Right on cue the doctor arrived, he quickly checked Rona and nodded. It is time. He quickly called the nurses and they prepared to wheel Rona into the operating theatre. Seokhoon was escorted to enter the theatre with Rona. Peter and Marcus stood outside, they also needed to inform their parents of the situation. About 3-4 minutes later, Rona was wheeled into the operating theatre.

Seokhoon was escorted near the head of Rona, he reached to grab her hand. Ok, Rona, are you ready? It's time to push. Rona breathed a deep breath and looked towards Seokhoon. He nodded in encouragement and held her hand tightly. Rona started to push at the doctor's cue. Seokhoon's hand was squeezed so tightly by Rona that he thought blood had stopped flowing to his hand. This process of pushing and breathing was repeated for several minutes until the doctor screamed. I can see the head, come on Rona keep pushing, we are nearly there! Rona grunted loudly and used whatever remaining strength she could muster for the final round. Finally, the noise of the theatre was broken by a loud crying sound from their newborn child.

Congratulations, you have a baby boy.

Rona laid exhausted on the table, Seokhoon kissed her forehead. Well done baby. He is here. Would you like to cut the umbilical cord? Seokhoon left Rona for a little while and went over to cut the cord. He caught a glimpse of his newborn son crying and just stared in wonder until the child was taken away to be weighed and cleaned up. Seokhoon walked back to Rona and wiped her forehead dry. He looks good, baby.

Well, this is a good healthy baby. Weighing at around 3.5kg. That is a good weight to be at. Their son was wrapped in a nice clean blanket and the nurse walked over and handed the baby to Rona. Rona opened her eyes and took her son into her arms. She could feel tears in her eyes, after 9 months of waiting, their child was finally here. She looked over at Seokhoon who was also crying and he bent down and hugged Rona close to him, enveloping his wife and his son in his arms.

Hello there, little one. I am your mother and this is your father. We are going to love you so much. Rona smiled and the baby's hands reached out and his tiny fingers grabbed Rona's little finger tight. Rona smiled and her tears started to flow down. Seokhoon's heart melted at the sight in front of him. Rona and him were finally parents!

 Rona and him were finally parents!

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