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Yosemite National Park, USA

The movie of choice was the classic Christmas time movie - Home Alone. With two big bowls of popcorn and everyone having a cup of hot chocolate the movie began. Rona was cuddling right next to Seokhoon, her head on his chest as the movie began. Rona had never seen this movie before so she was concentrating from the moment it began. About 10 minutes into the movie, Rona felt someone tapping her shoulder when she turned to the right, it was Stephanie. She looked over and Stephanie silently pointed in one direction.

When Rona followed her finger, she realised that Seungho and So Hyun were seated right at the corner of the sofa and kissing. The two were only concentrating on each other and had no care for where they were or what they were doing. Rona and Stephanie giggled softly before returning back to the movie. When Rona turned her attention back, out of the corner of her eye she caught Seokhoon looking at her. She knew right away that cheeky expression he had what he wanted to do. He bent down and sought Rona's lips but she evaded him time and time again. He pouted but Rona was not fooled.

She just smiled and went back to ignoring him. She snuggled warmly against Seokhoon, her arm around his chest as she made herself comfortable again to watch the movie. Seokhoon realised that his act had been seen through by Rona so he had to behave himself and concentrate on the movie again. When the movie finally ended, everyone was already in a state of sleepiness. They slowly made their way back to their cabin. While they were leaving the main cabin, Stephanie turned to So Hyun and asked if she enjoyed the movie. She was flustered as she very clearly did not watch or even pay attention to the movie. Everyone didn't expect her to actually answer so they all laughed and went off.

Tomorrow eventually arrived and it was time to say goodbye to the cabin. It was a much needed break for all of them, they had not only missed each other's company but they also needed a break to recharge for the next semester. They drove out of Yosemite National Park and headed towards Los Angeles Airport. From the airport they separated. Stephanie and George were going to another part of the USA to meet their family and spend New Years with them. Yoo Jung was flying back to Seoul while Ryo, So Hyun, Seungho, Seokhoon and Rona were all headed back to New York. They said their goodbyes and headed off onto their different flights.

432 Park Avenue, New York

Seokhoon and Rona had landed in New York a couple of hours ago and were now back at home

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Seokhoon and Rona had landed in New York a couple of hours ago and were now back at home. They just finished video chatting with their parents and catching up with them. Because of the poor signal in the forest, they had only exchanged text messages between them and their families back home. Now they could do a proper catch up.

How is everything Omma?

Things are good, Rona. Yunis has been continuing to grow, I am looking to expand my business soon but to what area I have yet to decide yet.

That sounds amazing Omma, but what about you and Appa?

Haha, that is what you want to know first right? Well things have been good actually, I guess I should tell you this news.

What is it?

Yoonchul proposed to me.

WHAT! OH MY GOODNESS! YEAH! Rona jumped up and down in joy, she had been waiting for this to happen. Yoonhee laughed when she saw Rona's responses, it just reaffirmed again that she and Yoonchul had made the right decision. Are you two going to be getting married? Like a ceremony?

Oh probably not Rona, if anything it would be just a small dinner with family and some close friends. Yoonchul and I were married before so there is no need to go through that all over again I feel. Don't worry we will wait till you two return from New York before we have the wedding again. You two will be back in Summer right?

Yes, Omma. We will be coming back in Summer.

You two should be moving out of New York right?

Yup. We have more or less decided where we would want to move to but we have yet to really finalised the decision and start the process but for now, we will want to come back to Seoul first before we move to wherever we choose.

Take your time, there is no rush for you to immediately move to a new country so soon. How is the progress of the music residency applications?

We have received quite a few offers already Omma. I guess with the concerts we had been doing plus Prof Clark and James reccomendation, we don't really need to find a spot, the organisations came to us instead.

That is a good thing, be happy about that Rona.

Yeah, it is just now we are you know shifting through all the offers.

I guess you two wish to stick together right?

Naturally, I am not separating from Rona. Luckily a lot of places that have offered Rona, have also offered me as well. We two just need to sit down and really look through every offer and make a decision soon.

Well at least you two have each other to consult, don't forget to consult Jae Rim and Jae Hwan as well. They will be knowledgeable about all this. And remember it is okay to take your time to decide your next steps, you two are young so anything is possible.

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