133 | Skin to Skin

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Shimwoo Hospital, Seoul

Seokhoon walked out of the operating theatre to be greeted by all his friends and family who were anxiously waiting for the good news. The moment he stepped outside, he was crowded by everyone. How is Rona? How is the baby? Can we see them?

Seokhoon moved away from the theatre doors and the crowd moved with him. One at a time. Firstly, Rona and the baby are fine. They are both well, healthy and good. Rona and the baby are getting ready to be wheeled back into the room. We can go there and wait for Rona and the baby to come. Seokhoon led them over to the room where Rona would be wheeled back in. Yoonchul had made sure that Rona and Seokhoon were to have the best suite available to them.

Their family and friends were all gathered up in the room waiting for Rona to appear

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Their family and friends were all gathered up in the room waiting for Rona to appear. Right on cue, Rona was wheeled in and everyone gathered around as Rona settled into bed. A couple of minutes later, the baby was carried in by a nurse. The nurse handed the baby over to Seokhoon and he gently and carefully carried his son in his arms. Everyone gathered around as Seokhoon moved towards Rona. Yoonhee and Suryeon helped Rona sit up in bed and made sure she was comfortable. Seokhoon walked over to his wife, carrying the baby. He sat down right beside his wife and Rona looked at her son in her husband's arms.

Oh look at him!

He looks like Seokhoon don't you think?

He definitely bears resemblance to them both.

Well if this boy resembles half of his parents he will be a very good looking boy in the future!

Seokhoon smiled at his son who was in his arms. He thought that he could only really love one person in the whole world but now that his son was born, he felt love equal to that of Rona for him. He handed the baby over into Rona's arms. Have you two decided what name you are going to go with?

Hmmm, I think we need to discuss it a bit more but we should decide soon enough. The baby was good and quiet in Rona's arms, she smiled and handed the baby over to her mother. Here you go Omma, your first grandchild. Yoonhee was shocked as the baby was in her arms. Hello there, you are so cute! Suryeon stood beside Yoonhee as they ooh-ed and ahh-ed at the baby. Seokhoon hugged Rona as they watched their family and friends gathered around to look and ogle at the baby.

Their family and friends were in the room for another 15 more minutes before Yoonchul suggested that they all leave. The baby has just been born and Rona is also exhausted. We should let the couple rest. Tomorrow if Rona is all alright, she will be moved to the postpartum birth centre just at the next building. Everyone agreed, Yoonhee put the baby back in the basket and one by one they filtered out of the room saying goodbye to the couple.

Finally there was some peace and quiet back, Seokhoon rolled the baby close to Rona, after which he helped Rona get comfortable on the bed. Rona started to feel the fatigue. She started to yawn and Seokhoon helped to get her comfortable. Not before long Rona was fast asleep, a nurse came to take the baby away so to give Rona some peace and quiet.

Seokhoonn sat on the chair and breathed a slight sigh of relief. He was thankful that everything seemed to have gone well. Rona continued to sleep for another 2 hours while Seokhoon practised carrying his baby. It was also highly encouraged that when the father held the child, that he held the child skin to skin. Seokhoon was sitting on the sofa topless as the nurse help to place his son on his chest. The warmth from Seokhoon and the baby helped to encourage bonding between father and son.


Just at that moment, Rona woke up. You look really comfortable. Seokhoon looked up and saw Rona sitting up looking at him. Seokhoon smiled and looked at his son. It is a bit nerve wracking, he is so young and small. Rona smiled. We will learn. Seokhoon got up and placed the baby on Rona's chest. Are you feeling alright?

Yes I am. The doctor came in at that time. Hello Rona, how are you feeling?

I am feeling good.

Looks like you are very good at this.

We should do a check up, Rona.

The nurse took back the baby and brought him back to the nursery, while the doctor proceeded to give Rona a quick check up. Well, everything looks alright. You will feel a bit of soreness and all that. I suggest you walk around a little bit starting from tomorrow. But from tomorrow, I believe we can move you to the postpartum birth centre for you to rest for the next one month. We have made sure to give you the best room and service.

Thank you Doctor.

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