24 | Road Trip

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Seokhoon and Rona were going to be going on their mini-honeymoon to Busan for 4 days and 3 nights. There are various ways to get to Busan but Seokhoon and Rona wanted to take in the sights, smell and sound on their way so they opted to get to Busan by car. Rona and Seokhoon do not own a car as of yet, they decided they were not willing to make such an expensive purchase knowing fully they would be going back to New York soon. But since Suryeon owned multiple cars, she said it would save them money if they just took one of her cars for their road trip.

Suryeon sent the car over in the early morning

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Suryeon sent the car over in the early morning. The drive from Seoul to Busan would take approximately 4-5 hours, so after having a filling breakfast, they loaded up their luggage and headed to Busan. It was already January so the weather was cold, Seokhoon drove carefully. Rona had packed several snacks and warm drinks as they started their journey. Rona was really excited she had never really gone on a road trip before so this was all a new experience for her.

Midway into their journey, Seokhoon and Rona decided to stop for a while at a rest stop. These highway rest stops contained everything, one thing special about these rest stops were the food that was offered.Rona made sure Seokhoon got some rest before they continued on their journey again.

*Idea of what kind of food is available.

By the time they arrived in Busan it was around 3pm, Seokhoon first headed to their accommodation for the trip. Rona and Seokhoon decided against staying at a hotel, so they went for a vacation rental that could be booked through Airbnb. This would save them much money plus they wanted to have a kitchen with them on this trip. After they had finished all the necessary check-ins, Seokhoon in particular was rather exhausted.

Rona saw this and gave Seokhoon a massage, she knew that in order to make sure the drive was smooth and safe, Seokhoon had stayed alert and hyper focused

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Rona saw this and gave Seokhoon a massage, she knew that in order to make sure the drive was smooth and safe, Seokhoon had stayed alert and hyper focused. Now that they had safely reached their journey, Seokhoon's adrenaline dropped. Seokhoon groaned and moaned as Rona helped to work out the knots in his shoulder and back. Soon he actually fell asleep on the sofa. Rona was a bit worried when she did not hear any noise from Seokhoon, when she looked down she realised that he was fast asleep. Rona smiled. You have worked hard yebo. Rona gave Seokhoon a quick kiss on the cheek before taking a thin blanket to cover him.

*Yebo: means Honey in Korean

Rona decided to take a hot shower to warm her body up, when she had finished her shower, Seokhoon was up. You are up already?

Hmm, well it was just a quick short nap. You had a good shower?

Yeah, my body is all nice and warm already. The sun is about to set, I was thinking we should go out and have dinner tonight.

Sounds good, since we are in Busan of course we must eat seafood, so let's have some seafood BBQ tonight.

I like the sound of that. The water is warm, why not go and shower as well. While Seokhoon headed to the shower, Rona decided to just text their family to let them know they had arrived safely to Busan. After that, she went to search for possible places to eat for dinner. She finally decided on Sunininae which was a seafood restaurant that is famous for serving the freshest seafood to their customers. They both made sure to dress warmly, now that they were near the sea the winter cold air would make them fall sick if they did not take care of themselves. Seokhoon took a thick scarf and made sure Rona's neck was bundled up, warm and tight. Be careful of the cold air, it would not be good to fall sick or let your vocal cords be strained. They left their accommodations and headed to the restaurant.

Rona was excited when she entered the restaurant, the strong smell of seafood was all around. Rona was not really a fan of seafood but when she tried fresh seafood she realised the world of difference between the taste. They placed their hours and waited for their food to arrive, Seokhoon was playing with her wedding ring. Rona smiled and laughed. Do you like that we are now married?

Seokhoon looked up, he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed her ring finger, just above her wedding band. I don't like it, I love it. I love the fact that we are married, I love knowing that you belong to me and I to you. I feel like now I just can't wait to grow old with you. Rona smiled and cupped Seokhoon's chin and guided him towards her, she placed a soft tiny kiss on his lips before quickly pulling away. I too can't wait. Right then, their food was served.

They were hungry from the road trip so Seokhoon and Rona gobbled up their dinner

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They were hungry from the road trip so Seokhoon and Rona gobbled up their dinner. By the time they were finished, their stomachs were full and warm. Shall we go and walk along the beach? Hopefully it's not too cold. Rona agreed, Busan's beach was one of the highlights of the location. So they decided to walk off their dinner at the nearby beach.

They walked along the beach, due to the winter weather the beach was not that crowded. They held each other's hands, Seokhoon noticed that Rona's hand was a bit cold and so (still holding her hand) he inserted it into his jacket pocket, keeping it warm. Rona's heart warmed at the gesture, they continued to walk along the beach but when Seokhoon felt Rona shiver more frequently, he decided it was better if they headed home. They headed back to their accommodation, Seokhoon quickly made sure the heater was on and told Rona to take a quick hot shower to warm her body up.

After the nice hot shower, Rona's body felt so relaxed that she was beginning to fall asleep, by the time Seokhoon finished his hot shower Rona was already asleep in bed. Seokhoon smiled, today was a rather exhausting day for both of them, he joined her in bed. Rona must have felt the warmth and she scooted over in her sleep to take the warmth of her husband. He cuddled Rona, hugging her close to him, he kissed her on the nose lightly. Wrapped up in the snuggly blanket Seokhoon soon closed his eyes and sleep came over him.

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