54 | Enough is Enough

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London, United Kingdom

Despite the drama that happened backstage, the concerts for Rona and Seokhoon went off without much trouble. After they finished their concert, Seokhoon chose not to go to the after party, he was in no mood to mingle with Grace who he knew would be there. He knew Rona was going to an after party so all he did was just text her that he was back at his hotel room. Seokhoon went to wash up and read a book while waiting for Rona to reply him back. He knew that he would be awhile before Rona replied him so he didn't really check his phone that much.

At about 10pm, he heard a knock on his door. He heard Jae Rim open the door and he went out to see who it was. It was Raph, Edwin and Hye Rim.

What are you guys doing here?

Haha, we knew you purposely missed the after party, so we wanted to bring some of the party over to you. They had brought over a bottle of wine and saw that they had a bag of snacks. It was nothing fancy but Seokhoon was really touched by the gesture. They gathered around the dining table and drank wine and chatted. Midway, all of a sudden the atmosphere became a bit serious. Seokhoon was a bit confused how the air changed so suddenly.

 Seokhoon was a bit confused how the air changed so suddenly

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Seokhoon, we know why you are avoiding Grace.


Yeah Seokhoon, you don't have to pretend anything. We know.

What exactly do you know? Seokhoon had to be careful as much as his instinct told him that the three were good people. But no matter what, people's hearts can change, so Seokhoon still needs to be careful. The trio saw that Seokhoon was not saying anything. Hye Rim expected that Seokhoon would be tight lipped after all, he only just got to know them. So, they needed to get him to trust them. She gave Raph an eye signal and he took out a thumb drive. I think you need to see what is on this. Jae Rim was watching the scene and went to grab his laptop.

He opened the file and it was a recording - in the recording you can see Seokhoon and Grace. They were talking and suddenly you can see Grace trying to inch her way close to Seokhoon and kiss him. In the clip, it is visible that Seokhoon actually pushed Grace away, his expression was one of anger. The clip finally ends with Seokhoon slamming the door in Grace's face, but something that Seokhoon never knew was the camera also caught Grace smirking and smiling to herself - that was definitely an evil look.

Both him and Jae Rim looked at each other and towards the three. How did you get this?

Simple, we took it. Edwin said it plain and straight, the other two nodded along.


Simple answer again. We know who Grace really is.

What does that mean?

Exactly as it is. Grace has always been shown as the darling of the classical world. Her image and character has been very carefully built as someone who is graceful, kind and loving but in reality Grace is nothing like that sort.

Exactly what Edwin said. You may not know this Seokhoon since you have only just debuted this year, but we three have debuted almost 2 years now. Grace is slightly ahead of us by about 6 months, plus her debut was rather glamorous - rather like you, she won a high profile international competition which really helped cast her into the limelight very quickly.

Hye Rim continued. We at first believed what the papers and the media wrote about Grace but barely 2 months into our debut, we realised all of it was fake.

We had a good friend, he was a senior almost like yourself - tall, talented, handsome and definitely the next big star. He was older than Grace by a couple of years. But we three actually came from the same university, so he actually took good care of us when we three first debuted. At that time, he told us that he had a girlfriend and would like to introduce us to her one day. He didn't tell us much, but he gave us a rough description of who it was. One day, when we were walking to his dressing room, we saw Grace coming out of it. We hid at the corner and we saw the two of them kissing. So we assumed that the girlfriend was Grace, we were really happy for him, after all, as we believed Grace was a good person. But, what we found out later on was that Grace was not his girlfriend.

How did you find out?

He had an Instagram account, when we went to check, we realised the woman in the photos who he had his arm around was not Grace. But as his juniors we never confronted him, but what happened was that we heard they broke up. He came and told us himself, as for why, he never said anything. All he told us was that he had found someone else, we figured it was Grace.

But what was the tragic part was that about a 1 week after the breakup, we heard he and Grace got together. Until, we saw Grace with another man.

Right, she was actually coming onto another performer - I believe he was a cellist if I am not mistaken. Hye Rim and I saw them. It was there that we knew, something was really wrong.

Didn't warn him about what you saw?

We did but he refused to listen to us, until 1 month later when he told us that Grace had broken up with him. It was then that we saw her with that cellist.

Grace is not a good person, we investigated and every single person that she has had a relationship with, was actually married and/or dating someone. To Grace, single men don't excite her, it is those that are forbidden or taken that are her target.

Edwin and I saw how Grace stuck to you at the get together in Paris. We knew she had locked onto you. You can't imagine how Hye Rim, Edwin and I were really happy when you came up to talk to us and how you were really doing your best to avoid Grace throughout the night. It was then that we three decided we needed to watch carefully. We knew what happened when Grace got rejected.

What happens?

She finds blackmail material, either to force the breakup or threaten the man. We knew that her repeated attempts to find you was her way of One. getting blackmail material and two. trying to actually tempt you.

So this clip, what do you intend to do with it?

Nothing, we came to find you and give this clip to you. You need material you can use against Grace if she ever tries to force you into a corner.

Why are you helping me?

We like you Seokhoon. Plus, I have met Rona before.

You have?

Hye Rim nodded. I have, it was only a brief meeting but Rona gave me a really good lasting impression of her. I see the look in your eye when you talk about her, you truly love her. Plus, we three have had enough of Grace.

Hye Rim is right, Raph and I are sick of her attitude and how she pretends. It is time that she learns her lessons.

Exactly what Edwin said. We have seen many good men because of her, their relationships and even reputations get destroyed. Enough is enough.

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