91 | You are Mine

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*Mature Content ahead. Be Warned.

Musikverein, Vienna

Gabbie and Grace stepped back as Rona shouted at them. Rona stared at them fiercely, she had just returned from the bathroom to see Gabbie and Grace trying to approach her husband. Even though she heard Grace apologising to Seokhoon, she didn't trust either of them. As she walked towards them, Gabbie and Grace found that they took one step back in fear of Rona. Both of them knew Rona's image (especially Gabbie), Rona was always held as a kind hearted person and someone who is very understanding. But right now, Rona didn't look like any of those images, rather she looked incredibly fierce and angry.

Rona, we are here to apologise, we don't mean any harm.

Rona stared at them and smirked. Who do you think you are fooling?

Gabbie and Grace stiffen when they heard those words. Right then, someone dragged an unknown person from the shadows. The person was holding a camera. This person was lurking around just a couple of metres away from you, his camera was pointing towards this direction. Are you two still doing the same old tricks again? With a wave of her hand, her manager took this man away and destroyed whatever evidence Gabbie and Grace had hoped to obtain. Even if you wish to destory someone, how about going in a more creative manner instead of using the same underhand method, are you two stupid or what?

Rona slowly walked towards them as she continued to warn them. Rona was tired of Grace and Gabbie's methods, she didn't understand why they were so hung up on destroying them but since they literally sent themselves to her, she would make sure they pay once and for all. Gabbie and Grace, you two are like a peas in a pod. You have talent and yet instead of using your time to nurture your talent you look for chances and methods to surpass people the easy way. Didn't we destroy your careers and reputations enough? Would you want us to make sure neither of you can continue living for the rest of your lives?

Gabbie finally blew her top, since they had been caught there was no need for them to pretend anymore. BAE RONA! IF YOU HAD NOT STOOD IN OUR WAY, NONE OF THIS HAD TO HAPPEN!

Do you still think this Seokhoon belongs to you? Just how delusional are you? Even before Seokhoon stepped foot in New York, he was already mine in Seoul. We have gone through so much together, do you think just by either one of you battering your eyes he would come running to you? Dream on! Rona walked even closer till she was standing right in front of the two of them.

Instead of focusing on us two, how about trying to salvage whatever shit life you have left.

Hmph. Bae Rona you are finally showing your true colours. I knew you were not what you say you are.

Oh I can be kind, but since you have chosen to destroy my family and my relationship, of course I must not be kind. Gabbie, you are nothing compared to some of the monsters I have faced. For goodness sake, grow up and move on. I am tired of your antics. Gabbie raised her hand to hit Rona, Seokhoon tried to move in to prevent it. What Gabbie doesn't realise is that Rona was much stronger than she gave her credit for. Rona had faced and stared down the likes of Cheo Seojin and Joo Dante, a small girl like Gabbie and Grace was nothing to her. She stopped Gabbie's hand and gripped it tight. You are too young to take on the likes of me. Get out!

Rona pushed her back and she fell back against Grace. She was so angry that she went on a rant, Rona didn't bother to stop her rather she let her go on and on. Rona finally had enough and grabbed Gabbie's chin. Are you done with your temper tantrum? So what if you have always gotten everything you wanted. There is a level of greed that one can have, you are only this way because people around you give in to you or that you use fear and intimidation to get your way. I am sorry but that doesn't work with me.

Grace, you are a talented musician but you had to be taken in by the high life and also the words of a girl who clearly is still a child. Your mistake is your own, if you covet what isn't yours, one day that thing will come back and bite you in the ass like what happened when you tried to accuse my husband of an affair. Rona shoved the two of them and took out from her pocket a mobile phone. Grace and Gabbie's eyes widened, Rona had been recording their conversation from the start. I not only have an audio recording but a video one. Rona pointed to the CCTV. Do you really think you could have gotten away with it? Rona finally had enough, she shoved past the girls and not caring about them anymore. She grabbed Seokhoon's neck and pulled him down to meet her lips. She kissed him fiercely, Seokhoon was temporarily stunned but as soon as he felt his wife's lips against him, he grabbed her waist and started to return her kiss with equal passion.

Grace and Gabbie were taken away by Rona and Seokhoon manager and led out of the concert hall. Rona looked to see Grace and Gabbie go after that she dragged Seokhoon back to their dressing room. Seokhoon went along with Rona's direction. She quickly closed the door to the dressing room and locked it. She sent a quick message to their managers and before Seokhoon could say anything Rona's lips were back on his. Seokhoon was stunned for a moment but when he felt Rona's passion he went along with it and returned her kiss with the same intensity. Rona tore her lips away from Seokhoon, she stared deeply into his eyes.

You are mine. No one else's.

Seokhoon smiled and nodded. I am yours. You are mine as well. Seokhoon growled when he felt Rona's hand touch his hardness. With the look in her eyes, the room temperature increased. Rona walked backwards until her butt hit the dressing table, she sat on top of the counter and Seokhoon closed the gap, standing between her spread legs.

I want you.

Seokhoon's eyes dilated at that soft confession against his lips. I want you too. The tone had been set.

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