123 | One and Only

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Suryeon's Place, Shimwoo Tower

As dinner progressed, the sound of the keypad lock being entered could be heard

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As dinner progressed, the sound of the keypad lock being entered could be heard. Seokhoon looked around and realised that it was that person. The door opened and Jo In Sung walked in. Hello everyone. Sorry I am late. He walked over around the table and greeted everyone as he moved past, he gave a quick kiss on Suryeon's cheeks and Suryeon blushed and smiled at the sweet affectionate gesture. When she looked up, she realised Seokhoon was right there in front of her watching them. Suryeon all of a sudden felt really nervous. It was almost as if Seokkhon was the parent and Suryeon was the child in this situation.

Hello, you must be Seokhoon. I recognise you from the many pictures shown by Alex and your mom. I am Jo In Sung. It is nice to finally meet you. In Sung took out his hands ready for a handshake. Seokhoon looked at him for a split second before standing up and shaking his hand. Hello, Alex Hyung has mentioned you in passing several times. This is my wife, Rona.

Oh yes yes, Alex always talks about you two all the time. I almost feel like I know you two.

Rona stood up and shook In Sung's hand. Alex Ahjusshi has always been kind to us. Everyone went back to their dinner, while In Sung very naturally took his place beside Suryeon. Seokhoon looked at Rona when he noticed this move and Rona just smiled and patted his arm underneath the table. Seokhoon inwardly sighed and went back to finishing dessert. He was going to have to get used to this. After dessert was finished, everyone moved to the living room, where Seokhoon and Rona handed out the various gifts they had brought from their trips abroad.

So we want to actually talk to everyone here today....

Everyone turned as they heard Seokhoon suddenly speak in a solemn voice.

As you know, Rona and I will be taking a break after we finish our concert series in 3 weeks time. Since we are going on hiatus for a while, we wanted to make the last concert a bit special.


Think of the concept of a family concert or family performance.

Rona turned to face Jenny and Yoonhee. I would be honoured if you perform with me, Jenny and Omma. Both of them took a while to react to the news but when they did they jumped up for joy.


Yes, I couldn't imagine anyone better. My best friend and my mother and actually....

What Rona failed to finish was that we hope that Seokkyung, Eunbyeol, Minhyeok, Jenny and Omma join us on stage. The 4 of their faces broke and started to scream for joy.

Really? But we have not sung in awhile, are you sure we won't be ruining the concert?

Of course not! Don't forget where you all graduated from and Omma, you were a talented singer as well! Don't you want to sing once on the stage with me?

Yoonhee started to tear, as she wiped away the tears she walked over to hug Rona. I would be honoured to sing with you.

Well then count us in as well! Wait does Seokkyung know?

Haha, yup she does. We already reached out to her last week, she said she was only going to be doing it if everyone else does it.

Then YES! Let's do it!

Rona tried to jump for joy but Seokhoon was right beside her so quickly to hold onto her waist. Be careful. Remember the baby.

Oh right. Sorry! I can't wait. I will let you all decide whether you want to do a solo song or a duet or even a group performance. Get back to Seokhoon and I maybe by the end of this week? You can watch the upcoming concert that we have this Friday for some inspiration.

We have time, Rona and I will be performing from Friday to Sunday for the next three weeks. We plan to make the family concert be on our very last performance which would be a Sunday. So we have about 2 full weeks to prepare and rehearse.

The buzz among the group was infectious, even those who were just going to be audience members were really excited to see what the others had in store. Minhyeok, Eunbyol, Jenny and even Yoonhee had been craving to perform, even though they each respectively had found their own dreams and carved out a new path. There is no denying that singing and performing was always their first love. Their minds had started to move and were already thinking of what kind of performance they would like to put on. This may be their one and only chance for the rest of their lives to sing on such a big stage and with two people who are now famous.

Note: I hope everyone likes this concept for the concert ^^ 3rd chapter will be up shortly..

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