150 | Let's Catch Up

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Vienna, Austria

Seokhoon and Rona finally returned to work a week after arriving back in Vienna

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Seokhoon and Rona finally returned to work a week after arriving back in Vienna. Their schedules were full and their return was welcomed not only by the city of Vienna but globally. Once they had settled into a good rhythm, time had passed by really quickly. Within a blink of an eye, 6 months had gone by.

Eunbyeol had just graduated from her undergrad and was now pursuing a Master's in Art Therapy in Australia. Seokkyung on the other hand had just finished a 2nd year at cooking school and had only more years left before she continued her studies in food designing. Jenny and Minhyeok both had finished their probation at their respective work. Minhyeok passed his training with flying colours and was now working full time at a school. Jenny continued to study and pursue her path to be a public officer. The road was tough but she found it really worth it.

Seokhoon and Rona's other friends were doing well as well. So Hyun started off at the London Royal Ballet company on a really good foot. Within a year she was offered the chance to audition for a principal role in an upcoming ballet production. Not only did she get the part, but she made the headlines with her starring role. The ballet and dance world started to buzz and talk about this talented Korean dancer. Seungho still continued to work for his father's architecture firm. He was now in a project team, he was still learning the ropes. Even though at times it was really challenging, he enjoyed the challenge. Both Seungho and So Hyun were still going strong, Seungho even spoke to Seokhoon about ideas on when and how to propose to So Hyun. Seokhoon figured it was only a matter of months before Seungho would officially propose to So Hyun.

Stephanie was living her life in Paris, she had an internship at a fashion company right after graduation and now she was in a permanent role in their marketing and social media team. She enjoyed attending various fashion shows, travelling the world and just focusing on enjoying life. She honestly was not that eager to settle down and find a partner. She enjoyed having time to focus on herself and pursue hobbies and interests that she wanted.

George on the other hand had finished his degree in jazz piano last year and moved to Berlin soon after. Seokhoon and Rona often saw George whenever he came into Vienna for a performance. George started off small in the jazz piano world, but with his talented skills and his good looks, he was slowly getting a fan base. George was also dating a young lady who had been a friend of the family for several years. It was only in the past few years that they rekindled their friendship which led to them starting a relationship together.

Yoo Jung was still in Korea, so she decided to stay on in Korea and work for a non-profit. She ended up working for Yoonhee's non-profit. Yoo Jung saw how she could use not only her passion and talent to inspire others. Unfortunately, because of the long distance and difference in their goals in life, Yoo Jung and Jong Hyeop parted ways. They still remain friends but they were no longer in a relationship. Yoo Jung confided in So Hyun that she did miss Jong Hyeop and that maybe one day down the line they would find each other again, but now was the time. Rona did encourage her to still try to meet other people, you need to see the world after all to know the world.

Ryo, who had already gained a following right after he graduated from Juilliard, was still living in Paris. He often came by to see Seokhoon and Rona, they even had several performances together. Ryo was slowly becoming one of the best Asian tenors in the Classical singing world. Seokhoon would occasionally tease and encourage Ryo to find a partner. Ryo often rebutted that he was perfectly happy on his own. Even though there was nothing wrong with that, Seokhoon, knowing Ryo's history, wanted him to get all the happiness and love he finally deserved. But perhaps in time, that would find its way to him.

Seokhoon and Rona were doing well as usual. They had taken a year and more to concentrate on family. With the return to Vienna, it was time to concentrate back again on their careers. Right after they came back, they had a series of performances (both solo and together), where they toured around Europe and USA. Seokhoon already always found it difficult to separate from Rona whenever he went on any kind of tour (regardless of length). But now adding Hyun Jae into the mix, Seokhoon really missed them both. Hyun Jae was growing up so fast before their eyes that just being separated for only 2-3 weeks and he was doing all sorts of things now.

He was now not only walking but he was talking. He could understand everything both of them were saying. It was just fascinating to see Hyun Jae explore and learn about the world around him. Looking at Hyun Jae just exploring around in his playroom. Seokhoon came up from behind Rona and hugged her tight.

Shall we try for number 2?

Rona tilted her head backwards and smiled. You want another one?

You don't?

No, I do. Being born an only child, I really wanted a sibling. I want that for Hyun Jae too.

So shall we?

I like that... I think now that Hyun Jae is slowly approaching 2. We can try. I believe he will be an awesome big brother.

Seokhoon shouted for the babysitter to watch Hyun Jae as he pulled Rona towards their master bedroom.

Where are we going?

Didn't we agree? We are trying.

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