84 | Tension

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Le Cirque Restaurant, New York

Yoonhee and Suryeon were already seated at their reservation table waiting for Alex and his business partner to arrive

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Yoonhee and Suryeon were already seated at their reservation table waiting for Alex and his business partner to arrive. As this was officially Shimwoo & Co business, Yoonchul chose not to attend the meeting. Yoonhee and Suryeon were the major shareholders in Shimwoo & Co so it would only be the two of them meeting Alex. Yoonchul used this time to spend some quality time with Seokhoon and Rona, enjoying the sights and sounds of New York.

The dinner meeting was set for 7pm, Yoonhee and Suryeon were already at the restaurant by 6:50pm. About 5 minutes later, Alex walked in. You two are early?

We wanted to make sure we were not late, so better early than late. Yoonhee stood up and hugged Alex and Alex then turned to hug Suryeon in greeting. They sat back down and started to catch up, Alex couldn't attend Seokhoon and Rona's graduation so Suryeon proudly showed him the photos of the graduation ceremony. Alex suddenly waved to someone across the room. Hey! Alex stood up and Yoonhee and Suryeon followed. Suryeon was facing away from the person who was coming up from behind her. She turned to meet him and shock appeared all over her face.

Hi, I am Jo In Sung. You must be Suryeon.

Suryeon realised that the man who just introduced himself was none other than the same person who was at the graduation

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Suryeon realised that the man who just introduced himself was none other than the same person who was at the graduation. Yoonhee immediately recognised him, she hid her expression and with a straight face turned to greet him. Hi I am Oh Yoonhee, this is my business partner Shim Suryeon.

Yes I recognise you both actually. Both Yunis and Shimwoo & Co are really big companies now in Seoul. I am one of Alex's business partners, Jo In Sung. Please sit down. Suryeon and Yoonhee had already straightened their expressions and sat down. Suryeon was seated opposite In Sung while Yoonhee was opposite Alex. There was a slight awkward air around the three of them but Alex not knowing anything carried on.

The business meeting carried on as lunch was served. Even though Suryeon and In Sung made eye contact many times throughout the meeting, Suryeon chose to ignore that playful expression he had on his face. She concentrated on the importance of the meeting, this was about the handover of Alex's partnership with Shimwoo & Co. In Sung was going to be the man who would essentially be helping Shimwoo & Co to go global. As In Sung started to recite his achievements, the two ladies realised that he was a very successful man.

He had been with Alex from the very beginning of his company and has overseen its growth to not just within the USA but global. Because of Alex's success many companies came looking for Alex to partner with him and also expand their own reach. Oftentimes when that happens, Alex would hand these contracts over to In Sung. What helped was that In Sung's base of operations was New York and Seoul. He often went back and forth between these two countries and has a good reputation and network in both countries.

The more they spoke about the plans and his vision, Suryeon realised that he was not only passionate about it but also really serious. He had done his research and homework regarding Shimwoo & Co, he truly understood the company well. It was clear to both Suryeon and Yoonhee that he was indeed the man for the job. Suryeon in particular had a really good feeling about him. By the end of the meeting, it was officially decided and the handover was signed and finished.

I look forward to working with you closely, Shim Suryeon-ssi.

There was something strange about those words, when In Sung said it there was something about it that sent shivers down her spine. Suryeon had to admit she was attracted to him but regardless, they now officially work together. She had to keep things as professional as she could. Yoonhee witness that moment and she had to keep her expression straight, she could not only see the sexual tension but feel it as well. With that, they said their goodbyes. In Sung would be seeing Suryeon back in Seoul in about a weeks time to go through the more detailed plan of Shimwoo & Co. When they shook hands to say goodbye, both of them lingered before Suryeon snapped out of a daze and let his hand go. In Sung smiled at Suryeon before heading towards their respective cars.

Don't say anything.

I wasn't going to. Yoonhee smirked and they made their way back to their hotel.

Note: Okay I know, I had to add him. He is one of my favourite actors and LOOK AT HIM.. so handsome! I hope you are all okay with this pairing..

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