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Seokhoon and Rona's Place, Seoul

Seokhoon and Rona's Place, Seoul

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Yeah! You look amazing!

Seokkyung! You are here!

Of course!

Seokkyung managed to get time off her work, she was now working as a chef at a top restaurant,aAlthough she has plans to eventually open up her own restaurant soon. Just behind Seokkyung was her husband of 2 years. Seokkyung met him at one of the parties that Shimwoo & Co put on every year. Choi WooSung is a tall, handsome man, who works for his father's business. Seokkyung and him initially did not hit it off, they fought with each other quite often throughout their relationship but yet despite the rocky start, they lasted to Seokhoon's surprise. He was definitely one of the rare few people that could actually put up with Seokkyung's attitude.

There was something about the two of them that pulled each other and from that moment on they were inseparable

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There was something about the two of them that pulled each other and from that moment on they were inseparable. Seokhoon doubted it because they eventually tied the knot and have made it ever since. Even though they do not have children yet, Rona had picked and asked Seokkyung who was keen.

I am but with my restaurant in the works. It makes sense to focus on this first. Maybe after that, children can come later.

Right then, Jenny ran after her son. Oh my goodness that boy is fast.

Haha, Jenny it's alright. The backyard is big, plus I am sure he spotted the twins and went right for them.

Who knew our son would be such a noona lover. Hahah. Minhyeok walked in pushing in their other son fast asleep in the pram. Jenny and Minhyeok now had a bubbling 3 year old boy and a 6 month old boy. Right behind them was Eunbyeol and her husband, Song WonSeok. Eunbyeol met him through work, he was a fellow doctor at the same hospital that she had been working at for over 7 years now. He was an upcoming heart surgeon when Eunbyeol met him. They both were drawn to each other from the start, but due to their work schedule they only really started to spend time with each other 2 years after they knew each other. Their relationship advanced really quickly and within a year of dating he had proposed to Eunbyeol. They have now been married for 4 years and have a two year old daughter.

Eunbyeol's daughter walked behind her mother, nervous at the sound and the crowded space

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Eunbyeol's daughter walked behind her mother, nervous at the sound and the crowded space. Rona smiled and bent down to greet her, trying her best to make her comfortable. Then came along Ha Eun toddling along with her sister Ha Yun in hand. They waved to Eunbyeol's daughter, luckily because the Hera Kids hung out almost every week, Eunbyeol's daughter soon warmed up and Ha Eun held her hand and brought her towards the backyard to play. It is rather unbelievable how the Hera kids were now all mothers and fathers, time had truly flown by and now they were in the position which their parents were, looking after and protecting their family.

You look good, Rona. Your body does not look like someone who is a mother of 5 children. Rona laughed. After the twins, Seokhoon and Rona did take a break from having children, focusing on their three. But after two years, Rona was pregnant once more with a son and another year after that she had one more child - a daughter.

Thanks, working out and taking care of my body is something I have maintained since the beginning so it is really thanks to that.

Everyone gathered in Seokhoon and Rona's backyard, the place was decorated beautifully with a big backyard meal placed on the grass. Seokhoon and Rona's backyard was huge, it not only had a swimming pool but an area for the children to play. Seokhoon and Rona would often host these gatherings with their friends and family. The sun was just setting and everyone gathered around the table. The dinner tonight was not a fancy course meal, instead everyone brought along a dish to contribute to the celebration.

The children along with all the adults gathered around the big table eating and chatting

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The children along with all the adults gathered around the big table eating and chatting. It was really a sight to behold. Those years back at Hera Place, the group was small and privileged, you couldn't join unless you fulfilled certain criteria but now around the table was a group at least 3 times bigger than that, people from all walks of life, doing different things in their lives. Yet their bond and friendship has never been stronger, now a new generation was here, one that was not going to be tainted by the past of what had happened. With their experience and what they had gone through, each of the Hera Kids in particular approached their family and their own lives in a very different way. Money and status was not important, it may be good to have it but what was more important was their family, love and kindness.

Everyone gathered around to celebrate and congratulate Seokhoon and Rona. The couple thanked everyone for their well wishes and all the presents they had received. Even though the couple told everyone it was not necessary to give gifts, everyone still went and bought them presents. The rest of the evening had fun, laughter, music and dancing. As the sun completely set, one by one the children began to fall into slumber. The guests slowly filtered out of the house.

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