83 | Sparks?

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Juilliard School, New York

Due to the bright sunlight, Suryeon couldn't quite make out who it was who helped her

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Due to the bright sunlight, Suryeon couldn't quite make out who it was who helped her. She replied a quick thanks and the man helped to steady herself.

No thanks necessary. It's not often a beautiful woman throws herself at you.

Suryeon smirked and pushed herself off the man who just helped her break her fall. I didn't throw myself at you, I fell.

Well I am a gentleman, so I had to rescue a beautiful woman. Suryeon turned her head to face her 'rescuer'. She was temporarily shocked by just how handsome the man was. When he smiled, not only did he look more handsome but somehow he looked really different from when he smiled and when he didn't. Are you okay?

Suryeon finally shook off her shock and nodded. Yes, thank you for helping. Suryeon turned to try to find Yoonhee and Yoonchul but neither of them were still around. Are you here alone?

Suryeon looked at him and for a quick moment, she was trying to suss out what this strange man was trying to do. No, I am here with some friends. Are you here for your child's graduation?

Nope, I was invited by the Dean of Juilliard because I donated some money and well, they gave me an invite to this year's graduation.

Oh. I see.

Your child graduated?

Yes, my son did and my daughter in law.

Married? So young?

Yeah, well they wanted to.

Interesting. Before their conversation could continue, Yoonhee returned. When she saw Suryeon was making conversation with a very good looking Asian man, she quickly jumped at the chance to get to know him, perhaps something could happen because of this. But when Yoonhee approached, the man smiled and said his goodbyes and turned and walked away. Yoonhee pouted. Sorry unnie, I should have stayed away.

Why are you sorry?

The man walked away....

So? I don't even know him, he just helped me break my fall that was all.

Oh please Unnie, don't tell me you didn't notice just how good-looking he is. Plus I saw you two talking from a distance, I can see the spark already.


Yeah, clearly there is definitely some attraction somewhere.

Suryeon didn't really know how to respond, all she remembered from their conversation was just a very slight banter.She guessed to an outside eye, it really looked like Suryeon and this man were fliriting. Suryeon shook her head. There was just a tiny bit of banter, nothing more.

Hmmm, well maybe on your part that's what you think but I saw that man's eyes. Eyes never lie, trust me, he definitely was attracted. Did you catch his name?

Urm, no.

Aish! Well if he is a donor to Juilliard there is a high chance Alex knows him, let's ask him!

Alex isn't here.

I know he isn't but tomorrow we are meeting him regarding the handover for the partnership, we can ask him then.

Suryeon sighed, it seems no matter what she tried to dissuade Yoonhee, she was officially hooked. Yoonhee was so excited about a potential person for Suryeon. Even though she knew Logan and Suryeon had something special, at the end of the day, Logan died. She knew Suryeon was not focused on finding another life partner but with Seokkyung now in London and Seokhoon and Rona would be in Vienna, essentially Suryeon would be all alone in Seoul. It would be good for her if she could have someone who could accompany her.

Yoonhee started to plan in her head if there was somehow a way for those two to meet once more. Suryeon continued to talk to Yoonchul who had returned not knowing that Yoonhee had in store for her.

Note: I know there are probably Logan x Suryeon fans around but please don't kill me. In terms of the story for Penthouse it made sense that Logan stay dead (as he is in my novel) sooo let's cheer on Suryeon as she finds new love!

Sorry everyone once again for the slower update this week. work has been just too busy and I haven't had time to really sit down and write. I think next week I will be able to be a bit more frequent but yes thank you for always reading and loving the story! Hope you are okay with how the story has been progressing

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