115 | Announcement

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Seokhoon & Rona's Place, Vienna

It took a bit of work but finally Seokhoon managed to get everyone's schedule, he had to find the best timing so that Seokkyung could call in as well

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It took a bit of work but finally Seokhoon managed to get everyone's schedule, he had to find the best timing so that Seokkyung could call in as well. Seokhoon arranged a skype group call, Suryeon and the rest would be calling in from Seoul, Seokhoon and Rona from Vienna and Seokkyung from London. Rona had just hit her 4th month of her pregnancy about a week ago, everything was good and stable so they felt it was good timing to finally inform their family and friends first. They were going to call two different groups of people, first their family and friends in Seoul. Afterwards, they would skype their friends in New York.

Rona was wearing an oversize knitted outfit that did not hug her figure. This was to make sure it was not obvious that she was pregnant before they announced it. Seokhoon had everything set up in the living room. Ready baby? Rona breathed out a long deep breath and nodded. She was rather nervous about finally telling everyone. It is one thing to have the secret more or less between just the two of them but now that everyone was going to inform, it just made the pregnancy feel more real.

 It is one thing to have the secret more or less between just the two of them but now that everyone was going to inform, it just made the pregnancy feel more real

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Seokhoon went over to sit with Rona and she hooked her arm around his, bringing him close to her. Seokhoon smiled and kissed his wife lightly on the forehead reassuring her. It was then that computer began to ring. Seokhoon picked up and on the screen came Suryeon and the group. Suryeon, Yoonhee, Yoonchul, Eunbyeol and the new boyfriend In Sung were on screen. Seokhoon raised his eyebrow curiosity, the fact that he appeared with them meant that things were serious. For now, he decided to be courteous and say hello. Soon, Jenny and the gang called in. Sangah, Dongpil, Mari, Jenny and Minhyeok appeared on screen. Rona enthusiastically started to say hello and began chatting with Jenny. They were all waiting for Seokkyung, soon after she called in as well.

Hello Everyone!

Rona-ah, Seokkhoon, Seokkyung!! It has been way too long.

Omma! How have you and Appa been? Sorry we have not been in contact too much, we have been busy.

Oh it's okay you two. We understand.

I am doing well, Yoonhee ahjumma. I am finally getting used to my schedule and really enjoying myself.

Aww, that's good. So what's the reason for this meeting? Not that we are not super happy to see all of you.

Wait ahjummah, before that. Who is that person beside Omma?

Oh? Well, let your Omma introduce him. Yoonhee smirked and hit Suryeon. Suryeon inwardly sighed and put on her best face.

Oh, urm this is Jo In Sung. He is actually the person who has been hired by Alex to expand Yoonhee and my business not just within Seoul but globally.

And? Seokkyung already knew all about it from Jenny and Rona but she wanted her mother to say it out of her own mouth. Everyone smirked and decided to tease Suryeon for a couple of minutes. After Seokkyung saw her mother turning red, she decided to stop. OK onto more important business, what is this meeting called for?

Seokhoon looked at Rona and then looked back at everyone. Well Rona and I have some news. So without further ado, we are here to announce....


It took awhile for everyone to register those words but there was an eruption of screams coming from the screen. Everyone was shouting and some were even jumping for joy. Oh my goodness you are pregnant?!

How far along are you?

Is it a boy or a girl? There was a flux of questions coming that Seokhoon and Rona were confused about who to answer first.

Ok wait wait! Hold a minute! Rona and I would slowly answer questions one at a time. The couple proceeded to let their family and friends know everything regarding their pregnancy. Once they had answered all the questions, everyone calmed down. Next they went onto to show the latest ultrasound image that was taken just last week.

As for gender, right now Rona and I are not sure

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As for gender, right now Rona and I are not sure. We are still deciding if we want to know the gender right away or be revealed to us later on.

So for now, the gender remains unknown. But other than that, we two are doing well. We are going to be releasing news of our pregnancy soon in about another 2 weeks, and then the focus will be brought back to the concert.

Also, Seokhooon and I are planning on coming back to Seoul.

We decided we wanted to be in a familiar setting when we give birth so we will be heading back to Seoul sometime around mid September. We will leave ourselves in the hands of our wonderful father in-in-law.

Yoonchul grinned with joy. Of course! Leave it to your mother and me, we will select a good gynaecologist for you before you return. Seokhoon and Rona thanked Yoonchul and they continued to talk and chat with everyone. Jenny and Minhyeok were doing well and close to graduating. They had one more year left and most of that year was going to be spent doing their internship work. Eunbyeol had been attending university for about a year, so she still had another 3 more years left before she completed her major. But Eunbyeol was really happy about what she was studying. She found herself really enjoying it even though the work was tough, she found it equally rewarding. They continued to chat until Seokhoon and Rona needed to go, and they had another group of people to inform them about their pregnancy. With great reluctance, they said goodbye to their family and friends, but they knew they would be seeing them really soon.

Note: Baby is coming! Anyways I realise I didn't update like two days ago, so today will have another additional update. Enjoy!

Stick around, we are only half way through hehe ^^

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