94 | Mother

244 14 1

Vienna, Austria

After a successful concert and a fun post-celebration party by Mr Thomas

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After a successful concert and a fun post-celebration party by Mr Thomas. Seokhoon and Rona headed back home, they were given 3 days of rest. After which they would continue to practice and focus on their next schedules. Seokhoon and Rona had other individual schedules, performing in other parts of the world. Seokhoon and Rona's lives in Vienna soon fell into a well established routine, if they were not at the music studio practising with the orchestra or they would be rehearsing for their own individual performances. When they were not in the studio, they would be spending time exploring not just Vienna. If they had a short 4-5 days, Seokhoon and Rona would do short trips to nearby places.

One day Seokhoon and Rona headed towards a cafe to have a nice meal out and a warm cup of coffee. Winter was soon approaching Vienna. While Seokhoon went to order their food, Rona was sitting at the table observing people going by. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a familiar face, it was Edwin. He noticed Rona and waved and entered the cafe.

Hi Rona! Seokhoon here?

Yeah he is ordering food. You are out and about?

Yeah, my family is actually visiting from Australia. Let me introduce you. Edwin proceeded to introduce his family, his sister and her family to Rona. Rona invited them to sit for a while and they accepted the offer. Edwin went to help his family order some warm drinks. Seokhoon then returned and noticed Rona surrounded by people. Rona smiled and patted the seat beside her for Seokhoon.

This is my husband. Rona went on to explain to Seokhoon who these people were. Sitting to Rona's right was Edwin's older sister, she was a mother of two and sitting on her lap was her newborn baby. How old is he?

Oh he is just about 2 years old. Do you wanna hold him?

May I?

Of course, he is a really friendly baby. She handed the child over to Rona and Rona awkwardly tried to hold the baby. After some guidance from Edwin's sister, Rona became more comfortable holding the baby. Seokhoon observed his wife and she could see the sparkle in her eyes. Even though that intense moment in the dressing room had already established that the two were not going to prevent a child, for the past 6 months they had not been actively trying. So for now, Rona was not pregnant or anything. But when Seokhoon saw his wife holding the child, this was the vision he had been dreaming about for some time.

Rona was taken aback holding the child, she always knew she loved kids but she was hesitant on when was the right time. But as she observed the interactions Edwin's sister had with her children, she found herself longing for a child. She turned and saw that Seokhoon was watching her. He leaned over and whispered softly into her ear. You will be a great mother, Rona. He pecked her lightly on the cheek. Rona smiled, she knew Seokhoon knew what she was thinking. Perhaps now was the best timing for both of them. They were adjusting well to Vienna and established into a well balanced routine with work and rest. She looked down at the sleeping child in her arms and her heart was filled with joy.

Seokhoon & Rona's Place, Vienna

Seokhoon and Rona eventually departed the cafe and headed back home

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Seokhoon and Rona eventually departed the cafe and headed back home. They didn't want to intrude on Edwin's time to spend time with his family. On their way back, Rona was awfully quiet. Seokhoon was not quite sure what was truly on her mind but he decided to give her a bit of space first. When they arrived back home, Seokhoon received a call from Jae Rim and he headed to the office to speak to him. Rona sat in the living room continuing to think, after some time it seemed Rona had finally made up her mind about something. She looked at the time, it was almost dinner and seeing that Seokhoon was still busy she quickly went to set her plan in motion.

Note: For those who are confuse from the previous chapter we have jumped forward 6 months. Please forgive me, but writing about every day life or about concerts all over again can be rather taxing and repetitive, so please I hope you don't mind the jumps.

I was not planning on releasing anything today but it is Hyeosoo's birthday so thought I will release this chapter as a celebration!

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