Chapter 113

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Y/ns pov

"Good to see you two" smiled Valkyrie as we arrived, I hugged her. My occasional visits over the last few weeks had made me close to her.

"What you doing up so late?" Loki asked geustering to the darkness that surrounded. "Just a walk you know clearing my head" she smiled. We knew she didn't want to go on and nodded. I let out a little yawn and loki chuckled "We better be off, see you around". With that her grabbed my hand and walked with me towards his home.

It was quite a nice large place, one of the largest ones there, eventhough the Palace was nothing in comparison to this it was not to bad. "Do you want anything to drink?" He offered. "Um do you have some coffee? " I asked and he nodded and went to make it. Obviously he had coffee it was him, in his small amount of years on earth he had become very fond off it.

Then I felt the sickening feeling come back alot, I went to the bathroom and blood pooled out my mouth into the sink. I became dizzy, clinging onto the sink edge for support and calming my breaths. Finnaly I was ok enough to wash the blood from my face and sink and make my way over to the sofa, Loki didn't need to know, no need to worry him.

After we drank our coffee we talked and from time to time admired small silences until finnaly I dozed off on the sofa.

Lokis pov

I smiled a little seeing her sleep so peaceful, I lifted her up resting her head on my shoulder and brought her to lay in my bed, in moving her, her midrift started to show realeving the scar Thanos had given her across her stomach, I winced at remembering her there, nearly dead. I put the cover over her and went to the bathroom for a breather, and then I saw two spots of blood on the ground, they were new and because of the small staining in the sink I knew what it was. I knew she would be gone soon, but I just had to stay there with her.

I went into the room and lay next to her, losing her was going to be painful.

Tony's pov

Finnaly the tracker said she stopped in New asgard it was midnight, I left that instant, I would be there by 7am.

Y/ns pov

I awoke and 6:30 and yawned and stretched, as I opened my eyes I saw Loki also lay awake, I chuckled and then after seeing my watch smiled "The sun will rise soon". "It's quite beautiful here, would you want to see it" he asked and I nodded.

I soon found myself sitting on a wall, the sun nearly a bit visible as the sky burnt orange, I felt my eyelids grow heavy, though I was not tired and my body feel weak almost limp. I knew what was happening.

Lokis pov

I looked down to Y/n but saw she was pale, eyes closed and a bit of blood dribbled from her ears. "Y/n" I said loudly. No. I scooped her into my arms "You are not dead, you are not dead" I cried coming from the wall to be on my knees.

Tony's pov

I saw her back from a distance, Loki beside her, I was going to see my girl and soon my others. Then I saw Loki come of the wall and tears stream from his face as he held her infront of him. I sprinted, was I too late.

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