Chapter 166

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Y/ns pov

"Y/n you ok?" Loki asked and I woke from my daze, I wasn't even standing upright, he held me by the waist making me not fall. I stood up looking into his green eyes. "Im fine, I should call him" I said. "I think you better rest first" he said but I shook my head walking out and I heard him quickly place down the money for the good and follow after me outside. He wouldn't even answer my call and I sighed.

"Maybe I should just have a rest, you should go home, have a break" I told him but he shook his head. "I need no break, anyway after that I'm keeping my eye on you" he smiled and I nodded. Finnaly we got back to my home and I  just wanted to rest but then when I walked in someone was sitting on my sofa. "Morgan?"

She looked at me and smiled "Hey     y/n" she chimed. "What are you doing here, we're are your parents?" I asked Loki as utter bewildered as I was. "I wanted to see you and they said I could never again so I took my Dad's searching device and found your address" she chuckled. "Ok shes a smart seven year old" Loki said.

I straight away called Tony but he obviously replied again and then I went to the secound option Pepper. Luckily she accepted the call "Look Y/n, Tony doesn't want to talk" she sighed. "Not to me but maybe to Morgan, she's here at my home now" I  said. "Wait what, I thought she was still asleep" Pepper said and I heard the scuttle of her going to check. "How?" she asked. "She came here herself said she wanted to see me, look I know you don't want me near her and definitely not alone but I have Loki with me, ill bring her back to you guys and stay out of your hair" I told her. She sighed "Thank you"

We got in my car to bring her home with Loki driving because I still felt dizzy. We got there and as soon as the door open Pepper swung it open for Morgan. I stepped out with Loki. "Im sorry for all I've done" I said and Pepper nodded as Tony himself walks dover I bowed my head not meeting his gaze. "Morgan why did you do that?" I heard him ask her. "I want us to be a happy family and now she's back we can be" she chimed. The silence was deafening and I swayed feeling dizzy, my stomach seizing in pain again. I breathed out a deep breath trying to keep upright but it hurt bad, "Y/n?" I heard Loki say worry in his voice. I fell grabbing onto his arm for support as he held onto me. "We should go" I said and I felt him nod. We walked to the car but he had to let go of me to rummage for the keys, without the support I toppled hitting my head hard onto the top of the car and then on the ground, blacking out.

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